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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 6 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
antīcus, antīca, antīcumold, ancient, former, past, gone by, good, simple, honest, venerable, illustrious

antīquus, antīqua, antīquumold, ancient, former, past, gone by, good, simple, honest, venerable, illustrious

cōnfōrmātor, cōnfōrmātōris mframer, former

superior, superiushigher, upper, upper part of, former, past, previous, preceding, older, elder, senior, more advanced, victorious, conquering, stronger, superior, higher, more distinguished, greater

superior, superiushigher, upper, upper part of, former, past, previous, preceding, older, elder, senior, more advanced, victorious, conquering, stronger, superior, higher, more distinguished, greater

vetus, veterisold, aged, veteran, experienced, of a former time, former, earlier, ancient

query 1/E (max. 1000): 26 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
admonitiō, admonitiōnis freminding, recalling to mind, suggestion, returning sensations of a former sickness, friendly admonition, mild admonition, correction, chastise ment

aliquem in integrum restituōreinstate someone to his former position

aliquem in integrum restituōrestore someone to the former status, restore someone to his right

aliquem in rēgnum restituōrestore someone to the former position

antīquēin former times, of old, anciently, from ancient times, in the old way, in the old style, in the old fashion

antīquitās, antīquitātis fcondition of former times, state of former times, the good old times, the honesty of the good old times, integrity, uprightness

antīquitās, antīquitātis fthe quality of being antiquus, age, antiquity, ancient time, occurrences of antiquity, history of ancient times, men of former times, the ancients

antīquitusin former times, of old, anciently, from ancient times, in the old way, in the old style, in the old fashion

antīquō (A)leave it in its ancient state, restore a thing to its former condition

apocatastasis, apocatastasis frestoring to a former position, return of the stars to their position of the preceding year

condamat a certain time, at one time, once, heretofore, formerly, the late, the former, the deceased, at certain times, at times, sometimes, one day, some day, ever

dēcēdere, dēcēdō, dēcessī, dēcessumgo away, depart, withdraw, retire, withdraw from a former position, disappear, go off, abate, subside, cease, deviate from the right way, give way, yield to another, avoid, shun, escape from, fall short of, degenerate from, turn out, result

quondamat a certain time, at one time, once, heretofore, formerly, the late, the former, the deceased, at certain times, at times, sometimes, one day, some day, ever

sextārius, sextāriī mcontaining a sextans asses, worth only the sixth part of the former

trāditiō, trāditiōnis fgiving up, delivering up, surrender, teaching, instruction, saying handed down from former times, tradition

vetera, veterum nthe old, the former

virī aedīliciīformer aediles

virī cōnsulārēsformer consuls

virī praeteritīformer men, deceased men, men of the past

virtūtem prīstinam retineōnot give up his former virtuous way of life


Wortform von: former
[37] 1. Sgl. Konj. Prs. Pass. von fōrmāre, fōrmō, fōrmāvī, fōrmātum
forme; gestalte; bilde; ordne; richte ein; richte ab; leite an; unterweise; schaffe (vom Bildner); stelle dar; verfasse; bringe hervor; reguliere; bearbeite; baue; führe vor; spreche aus; präge aus; erziehe; verschönere;

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