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Suchergebnis zu
"young whi":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

query 1/4E (max. 1000): 75 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
ā bove māiōre discit arāre minoras the old sang, so do the young chirp, from the older ox the younger one learns to plow

acersecomēs, acersecomae mwith unshorn hair, young man, youth

adolēscēns, adolēscentis cone who has not yet attained maturity, youth, young man, young woman, maiden

adolēscentula, adolēscentulae fvery young maiden

adolēscentulus, adolēscentulī mvery young man

adulēscēns, adulēscentisgrowing up, not yet come to full growth, young

adulēscēns, adulēscentis cone who has not yet attained maturity, youth, young man, young woman, maiden

adulēscēns, adulēscentis mone who has not yet attained maturity, youth, young man, young woman, maiden

adulēscentula, adulēscentulae fvery young maiden, my child

adulēscentulus, adulēscentulī mvery young man, young soldier, recruit

adulīscēns, adulīscentis myoung man

aedus, aedī myoung goat, kid

aliquō iuvene tepeōbe in love with a young man, have warmed to a young man,

ancillula, ancillulae flittle serving-maid, young female slave

annus lactēnsyoung year

aprunculus, aprunculi mboar cub, young boar

aquilae senectūssprightly old age, eternally young eagle power

asellulus, asellulī msmall, young ass, small, young donkey

bestiae ex sē nātōs dīliguntanimals love their young (cubs)

biridis, biridegreen, young, youthful, fresh, blooming, lively, vigorous

būcula, būculae f (bōcula)young cow, heifer

būculus, būculī myoung bullock, a steer

cadit in eō proeliō adulēscēnsin this fight a young man falls

capillātī, capillātōrum myoung aristocrats

catula, catulae fthe young of animals, whelp, young dog, puppy, kind of fetter

catuligenus, catuligena, catuligenumgiving birth to live young

catulus, catuli mthe young of animals, whelp, young dog, puppy, kind of fetter

cavea, caveae fexcavated place, hollow, cavity, enclosure for animals, stall, cage, den, coop, beehive, bird-cage, enclosure about a young tree, roof of the mouth, sockets of the eyes, spectators’ seats or benches in the theatre, theatre, spectators

colostrātiō, colostrātiōnis fdisease of the young caused by the first milk of the mother

cōnfēta sūsa sow offered in sacrifice with all her young

contubernālis, contubernālis mtent-companion, tent-comrade, a young man who, in order to become familiar with military service, attended a general in war, attendant, comrade, companion, mate, husband of a slave

contubernium, contuberniī ntent-companionship, a dwelling together in a tent, a body of soldiers occupying a tent together, a mess, squad, the intercourse of a young man and the general accompanied by him in war, attendance, the accompanying

crūdus, crūda, crūdumbloody, bleeding, trickling with blood, raw, not cooked, undigested, suffering from indigestion, unripe, immature, crude, yet young, yet fresh, not yet armed

cūna, cūnae fcradle, the nest of young birds, birth, earliest childhood

cūnābula, cūnābulōrum ncradle, resting-place of young animals, the earliest abode, dwellingplace, birth, origin

cūnae, cūnārum fcradle, the nest of young birds, birth, earliest childhood

dēdūcere, dēdūcō, dēdūxī, dēductumlead out, conduct, escort, accompany a person out of the house, conduct a young man to a public teacher, conduct a bride, take home the bride, bring one a concubine, drive out, expel, lead away a person from a disputed possession

scortillum, scortillī nlittle harlot, young harlot

scymnus, scymnī myoung animal, cub, whelp

servola, servolae fservant girl, young female servant

servolus, servolī myoung slave, servant lad

servula, servulae fservant girl, young female servant

servulus, servulī myoung slave, servant lad

stericula, stericulae fthe womb of a sow that has never borne young

sterilicula, steriliculae fthe womb of a sow that has never borne young

strix, strigis f (στρίγξ)screech-owl, which, according to the belief of the ancients, sucked the blood of young children, vampire, blood-sucking monster

superfētāre, superfētōconceive anew while still with young, superfetate

superfoetāre, superfoetōconceive anew while still with young, superfetate

sūrcellus, sūrcellī myoung twig, young branch, shoot, sprout, sprig, scion, graft, sucker, slip, set of a plant for growth, small tree

sūrcillus, sūrcillī myoung twig, young branch, shoot, sprout, sprig, scion, graft, sucker, slip, set of a plant for growth, small tree

sūrclus, sūrclī myoung twig, young branch, shoot, sprout, sprig, scion, graft, sucker, slip, set of a plant for growth, small tree

sūrculāris, sūrculāreproducing young shoots, producing young sprouts

sūrculārius, sūrculāria, sūrculāriumbelonging to shoots, belonging to twigs, planted with young trees, living among the twigs, living among branches

sūrculum, sūrculī nyoung twig, young branch, shoot, sprout, sprig, scion, graft, sucker, slip, set of a plant for growth, small tree

sūrculus, sūrculī myoung twig, young branch, shoot, sprout, sprig, scion, graft, sucker, slip, set of a plant for growth, small tree

tenerī tenerōrum mthe young, boys

tīrō, tīrōnis mnewly-levied soldier, a young soldier, recruit, beginner, newbie, novice, newcomer

tīrōcinium, tīrōciniī nfirst military service, first campaign of a young soldier, military rawness, military inexperience, first beginning of any thing, first trial, first attempt, first essay,inexperience

tīrunculus, tīrunculī myoung beginner, little tiro, pupil

turgiō, turgiōnis fshoot, sprout, tendril, young branch

turiō, turiōnis mshoot, sprout, tendril, young branch

tȳro, tȳrōnis mnewly-levied soldier, young soldier, recruit, beginner, newbie, novice, newcomer

tȳrōcinium, tȳrōciniī nfirst military service, first campaign of a young soldier, military rawness, military inexperience, first beginning of any thing, first trial, first attempt, first essay, inexperience

uter, uterī mwomb, matrix, fruit of the womb, fetus, child, young, belly, earth cavity, paunch

uterus, uterī mwomb, matrix, fruit of the womb, fetus, child, young, belly, earth cavity, paunch

ūva immītisunripe grape, immature grape, too young girl

vēnālicium, vēnāliciī nslave-selling, young slaves

vērnicomus, vērnicoma, vērnicomumhaving young leaves

vīnum novīciumyoung wine, new wine

virginem in mātrimōnium locōmarry my young daughter

virginia, virginiaeyoung wife, young spouse

virgō, virginis fmaid, maiden, virgin, young woman, girl, unwedded, pure, unused, unmarried, untilled, vacant

virguncula, virgunculae flittle maid, young girl

viridis, viridegreen, young, youthful, fresh, blooming, lively, vigorous

vīviparus, vīvipara, vīviparumthat brings forth its young alive, viviparous


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