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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 8 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adpingere, adpingō, adpinxī, adpictumpaint upon, add by writing, write

appingere, appingō (adpingō), appinxī, appictumpaint upon, add by writing, write

commentārī, commentor, commentātus sumconsider thoroughly, meditate, think over, study, deliberate, weigh, prepare one’s self, made up a story, prepare, produce as the result of study, write, discuss, write upon, experiment in speaking, , attempt to speak, imitate, adopt the language of another

compōnere, compōnō, composuī, compositumcompound, make up, mix, construct, build, write, write about, treat, celebrate

condere, condō, condidī, conditumbring together, lay together, put together, join together into a whole, to form, fashion, produce, make by joining together, settle, make, construct, build, compose, write, celebrate, write of, treat of, describe, establish, found, be the author of

cōnficere, cōnficiō, cōnfēcī, cōnfectumwrite, draw up, compose

cōnscrībere, cōnscrībō, cōnscrīpsī, cōnscrīptumwrite together, enroll, inscribe, choose, put together in writing, draw up, compose, write, delineate, sketch, draw up, prescribe, write something all over, fill with writing, mark by beating, cudgel, write upon, mark upon

scrībere, scrībō, scrīpsī, scrīptumwrite, draw, make lines

query 1/E (max. 1000): 40 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adnotāre, adnotō, adnotāvī, adnotātumput a note to something, write down something, note down, remark, comment on, observe, perceive, entitle, denominate, register, note, designate

agrammatos, agrammaton illiterate, , unable to read or write, unlettered, analphabetic

annotāre, annotō (adnotō), annotāvī, annotātumput a note to something, write down something, note down, remark, comment on, observe, perceive, register an absent person among the accused, designate one, already condemned, for punishment

cantāre, cantō, cantāvī, cantātummake something the subject of one’s singing, playing or song, sing, celebrate or praise in song, sing of, write poetry upon, represent a part, act

carmen compōnōcompose a poem, write a poem

carmen condōcompose a poem, write a poem

carmen scrībōwrite a poem, compose a poem

carmina fundōwrite poetry with enthusiasm

cērīs aliquid mandōwrite something on a wax tablet

cōnsīgnāre, cōnsīgnō, cōnsīgnāvī, cōnsīgnātumfurnish with a seal, affix, put one’s seal to, seal, sign, subscribe, attest, certify, establish, vouch for, note, write down, to register, record

cum cūrā dīligentiāque scrīberewrite very carefully

dēscrībere, dēscrībō, dēscrīpsī, dēscrīptumcopy off, transcribe, write down, write out, sketch off, describe in painting, describe in writing, represent, delineate, describe

scrībere, scrībō, scrīpsī, scrīptumwrite down, compose, describe, depict, draw up, communicate, announce in writing

scrīptitāre, scrīptitō, scrīptitāvī, scrīptitātumwrite often, compose

scrīpturīre, scrīpturiōdesire to write

subnotāre, subnotō, subnotāvī, subnotātummark underneat, note underneat, write underneat, write down, subscribe, note secretly, mark, watch, observe

subscrībere, subscrībō, subscrīpsī, subscrīptumwrite underneath, write below, write down, sign, subscribe one’s name, set down, note down, assent to, agree to, approve of any thing, grant, allow, accord

subsīgnāre, subsīgnō, subsīgnāvī, subsīgnātummark beneath, write beneath, undersign, subscribe, set down, enter, register on a list, pledge by signing, pledge, engage, warrant

superscrībere, superscrībō, superscrīpsi, superscrīptumwrite upon, write over, superscribe, write over as a correction

suprāscrībere, suprāscrībōwrite in above

testāmentum cōnscrībōdraw up a will, write a will

testāmentum faciōdraw up a will, write a will

trānscrībere, trānscrībō, trānscrīpsī, trānscrīptumwrite over, write off in an altered form, alter, forge, make over, transfer, surrender, yield, remove to another place, copy

trānsscrībere, trānsscrībō, trānsscrīpsī, trānsscrīptumwrite over, transfer in writing, copy off, transcribe, write off, alter, forge, make over, transfer, assign, convey, surrender, yield, remove to another place

versificāre, versificō, versificāvī, versificātumput into verse, write in verse, versify

versūs compōnōwrite poems, forge verses, build verses

versūs compōnōwrite poems, forge verses, build verses

versūs faciōwrite poems, forge verses, build verses

versūs fingōwrite poems, forge verses, build verses

versūs fundōwrite poetry with enthusiasm

versūs pangōwrite poems, forge verses, build verses

versūs scrībōwrite poems, forge verses, build verses


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