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longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

Suchergebnis zu
"with zeal":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 1 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
ambienterwith zeal, eagerly

In Wendungen bleiben als Einzelwörter unberücksichtigt: with -
query 1/E (max. 1000): 24 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adsectārī, adsector (assector), adsectātus sumattend one with zeal, attend one with eagerness, accompany, follow, wait upon, be in attendance upon, follow a woman

animātiō, animātiōnis fthe quickening, the animating, living being, creature, animating force, joyful zeal, passionate excitement, displeasure

assectārī, assector (adsector), assectātus sumattend one with zeal, attend one with eagerness, accompany, follow, wait upon, be in attendance upon, follow a woman, stalk

bellī studiumzeal for war

calefacere, calefaciō, calefēcī calefactummake warm, make hot, warm, heat, trouble, vex, rouse up, excite, pursue something with zeal

caleō in agendōbe all fire to do, be full of zeal to do, being on fire to do

calfacere, calfaciō, calfēcī calfactummake warm, make hot, warm, heat, trouble, vex, rouse up, excite, pursue something with zeal

calficere, calficiōmake warm, make hot, warm, heat, trouble, vex, rouse up, excite, pursue something with zeal

calor, calōris mwarmth, heat, glow, vital heat, summer heat, warmth of summer, summer, heat of a fever, heat of passion, fire, zeal, ardor, impetuosity, vehemence, ardent love, the fire of love

capessere, capessō, capessīvī, capessiī, capessītumseize, take eagerly, catch at eagerly, snatch at, lay hold of, strive to reach a place or limit, betake one’s self to, go to, repair or resort to, take hold of any thing with zeal, take upon one’s self

capissere, capissōseize, take eagerly, catch at eagerly, snatch at, lay hold of, strive to reach a place or limit, betake one’s self to, go to, repair or resort to, take hold of any thing with zeal, take upon one’s self

captāre, captō, captāvī, captātumstrive to seize, lay hold of a thing with zeal, catch at, snatch, chase, strive after, long for, desire earnestly, try to obtain, seek to obtain, seek to catch one in a crafty manner

captārī, captor, captātus sumstrive to seize, lay hold of a thing with zeal

cessō in studiō meōslacken in one's zeal

comparāre, comparō, comparāvī, comparātumprepare something with zeal, care, make ready, set in order, furnish, provide, procure, get, purchase, obtain, prepare, make, collect, brought one over to one's side, gained one over to one's side

contendere, contendō, contendī, contentumexert one’s self vigorously to do something, apply one’s self with zeal to, go to, direct one’s course eagerly somewhere, bend one’s course eagerly somewhere, strive to get to a place, to seek to arrive at, go hastily to, march hastily to, journey hastily to

cupiditāte bellāndī aliquem incendōfill someone with warlike zeal

dēvōtiō, dēvōtiōnis fdevoting, consecrating, devoting of oneself, fealty, allegiance, devotedness, piety, devotion, zeal, cursing, curse, imprecation, execration, sorcery, enchantment, magical formula, incantation, spell, any form of prayer

sēdulitās, sēdulitātis fassiduity, application, zeal, earnestness, sedulousness, sedulity

studium, studiī nbusying one’s self about a thing, application to a thing, assiduity, zeal, eagerness, fondness, inclination, desire, exertion, endeavor, study, good-will, affection, attachment, devotion, favor, kindness

zēlāre, zēlō, zēlāvī, zēlātumlove with zeal, love ardently, be jealous of, be zealous for

zēlor, zēlārī, zēlātus sumlove with zeal, love ardently, be jealous of, be zealous for

zēlus, zēlī mzeal, emulation, jealousy


3. Belegstellen für "with zeal"

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