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Suchergebnis zu
"with religious awe":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

In Wendungen bleiben als Einzelwörter unberücksichtigt: with -
query 1/E (max. 1000): 6 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
caeremōnia, caeremōniae fthe sacred, the divine, that which has reference to the Deity, sacredness, sanctity, holy dread, awe, reverence, veneration of the Deity, religious usage, sacred rite, religious ceremony

caerimōnia, caerimōniae f (caeremōnia, cēremōnia)the sacred, the divine, that which has reference to the Deity, sacredness, sanctity, holy dread, awe, reverence, veneration of the Deity, religious usage, sacred rite, religious ceremony

caerimōnium, caerimōniī nthe sacred, the divine, that which has reference to the Deity, sacredness, sanctity, holy dread, awe, reverence, veneration of the Deity, religious usage, sacred rite, religious ceremony

cēremōnia, cēremōniae fthe sacred, the divine, that which has reference to the Deity, sacredness, sanctity, holy dread, awe, reverence, veneration of the Deity, religious usage, sacred rite, religious ceremony

cērimōnia, cērimōniae fthe sacred, the divine, that which has reference to the Deity, sacredness, sanctity, holy dread, awe, reverence, veneration of the Deity, religious usage, sacred rite, religious ceremony

venerārī, veneror, venerātus sumreverence with religious awe, to worship, adore, revere, venerate, do homage to, reverence, honor, ask reverently for any thing, beseech, implore, beg, entreat, supplicate

query 1/E (max. 1000): 51 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
aliquid in religiōnem vertōconsider something questionable from a religious point of view

alytarcha, alytarchae mmagistrate who superintended religious exhibitions

alytarchēs, alytarchae mmagistrate who superintended religious exhibitions

axamenta, axamentōrum nreligious hymns written in Saturnian measure, which were annually sung by the Salii

bellum prō religōne susceptumreligious war, holy war, Jihad

bellum religiōsumreligious war, holy war, Jihad

caerimōniālis, caerimōniālepertaining to religious rites, ceremonial

caerimōniōsus, caerimōniōsa, caerimōniōsumpertaining to religious rites, devoted to religious rites

camillus, camillī mnoble youth employed in the sacrifices and in religious offices

cānipa, cānipae ffruitbasket for religious uses

casmillus, casmillī ma noble youth employed in religious offices

castimōnia, castimōniae fpurity of morals, morality, purity, such as is requisite for religious services, chastity, abstinence

castimōnium, castimōniī npurity of morals, morality, purity, such as is requisite for religious services, chastity, abstinence

castus, casta, castummorally pure, unpolluted, spotless, guiltless, pure, chaste, unpolluted, virtuous, continent, free from barbarisms, pious, religious, holy, sacred

castus, castūs mabstinence from sensual enjoyments on religious grounds

catēchēsis, catēchēsis freligious instruction

catēchista, catēchistae mreligious teacher, catechist

cērimōniālis, cērimōniālepertaining to religious rites, ceremonial

cērimōniōsus, cērimōniōsa, cērimōniōsumpertaining to religious rites, devoted to religious rites

Chrīstiānae lēgis studiōsīChristian religious party

cista, cistae f (κίστη)wooden box, wooden basket, in mystical religious festivals, a box for holding the sacred utensils, box for depositing the votes in assemblies of the people, money-box

clārigātiō, clārigātiōnis fsolemn demand for redress, religious solemnity with which the Fetialis declared war upon an enemy, fine or ransom for a transgression of limits

clārigāre, clārigō, clārigāvī, clārigātumproclaim war against an enemy with certain religious ceremonies by the Fetiales

clērimōnia, clērimōniae fcollege of the clergy, college of priests, college of monks, college of religious orders

conditor sacrārum opīniōnumreligious innovator, reformer

cōnsecrātiō, cōnsecrātiōnis freligious dedication, consecration, execration, magical incantation

cūria, cūriae fa structure built for the religious services of a curia, One of the edifices in which the Senate held its consultations, the places of assembly of high councils out of Rome

cūriālis, cūriālepertaining to a curia, belonging to the same curia, belonging to the same district, belonging to the same division of the people, pertaining to the religious services of the curiae

dapis, dapis f (vgl. δαπάνη)solemn feast for religious purposes, sacrificial feast

daps, dapis f (vgl. δαπάνη)solemn feast for religious purposes, sacrificial feast

sellisternium, sellisterniī nreligious banquets offered to female deities

sollemnitusin a religious manner, in a solemn manner, solemnly, with pomp, with splendor, according to custom, in the usual manner, in the customary manner, regularly, formally

statiō, statiōnis fstanding, standing still, firm posture, place, position, station, watch, guard, station, office, position, anchorage, roadstead, road, bay, inlet, place of residence, post, post-station, post-house, religious meeting, assembly

superstitiō, superstitiōnis fexcessive fear of the goas, unreasonable religious belief, superstition, excessive regard, scrupulous observance, object that inspires dread

supplicāmentum, supplicāmentī npublic prayer, religious ceremony

supplicātiō, supplicātiōnis fpublic prayer, public supplication, religious solemnity

suppliciāmentum, suppliciāmentī npublic prayer, religious ceremony

timor, timōris mfear, dread, apprehension, alarm, anxiety, awe, reverence, veneration

timōrem alicuī iniciōawe somebody

timōs, timōris mfear, dread, apprehension, alarm, anxiety, awe, reverence, veneration

tripudium, tripudiī nmeasured stamping, measured leaping, measured jumping, measured dancing, solemn religious dance

Ūniōnītae, Ūniōnītārum mUnionites, Unitarians, religious sect that denied the Trinity

verērī, vereor, veritus sumfeel awe of, reverence, revere, respect, fear, be afraid of any thing, await with fear, dread

vigilia, vigiliae fwakefulness, sleeplessness, lying awake, keeping awake for security, watching, watch, guard, time of keeping watch by night, watchmen, sentinels, watching at religious festivals, nightly vigils, vigilance, post, office, duty

vigilium, vigiliī nwakefulness, sleeplessness, lying awake, keeping awake for security, watching, watch, guard, time of keeping watch by night, watchmen, sentinels, watching at religious festivals, nightly vigils, vigilance, post, office, duty


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