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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 3 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
dēlacrimāre, dēlacrimōshed tears, weep

dēplōrāre, dēplōrō, dēplōrāvī, dēplōrātumweep bitterly, moan, wail, lament, complain, weep, bleed greatly

ūmectāre, ūmectō, ūmectāvī, ūmectātummoisten, wet, be moist, tearful, weep

query 1/E (max. 1000): 13 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
afflēre, affleōweep at a thing

aliquid lacrimōmourn something, weep for something

allacrimāre, allacrimō (adlacrimō 1)weep at a thing

amāriter fleōweep bitterly

applōrāre, applōrō (adplōrō), applōrāvī (προσολοφύρεσθαι)lament, deplore a thing, weep at, weep on account of

collacrimāre, collacrimō, collacrimāvīweep together, weep very much, bewail, deplore

collacrumāre, collacrumō, collacriumāvīweep together, weep very much, bewail, deplore

dēflēre, dēfleō, dēflēvī, dēflētumweep over, lament, deplore, bewail, weep much, weep violently, weep to exhaustion

dēplōrāre, dēplōrō, dēplōrāvī, dēplōrātumweep for bitterly, bewail, lament, deplore, regard as lost, give up, regard as hopeless, regard asincurable

superlacrimāre, superlacrimōweep upon, drop upon


3. Belegstellen für "weep"

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