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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 1 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
dēfessus, dēfessa, dēfessumtired, wearied, weary, faint, exhausted

query 1/E (max. 1000): 11 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
dē viā langueōbe weary from the journey, be worn out from the journey, be exhausted from the journey, be stressed from the journey, be carried away from the journey

dēfatīgāre (dēfetīgāre), dēfatīgo, dēfatīgāvī, dēfatīgātumweary out, tire a person, fatigue, exhaust

dēfatīscī, dēfatīscor, dēfessus sumbecome tired, become wearied, grow weary, grow faint, be exhausted

dēfetīgāre, dēfetīgo, dēfetīgāvī, dēfetīgātumweary out, tire a person, fatigue, exhaust

dēfetīscī, dēfetīscor (dēfatīscor 3), dēfessus sumbecome tired, become wearied, grow weary, grow faint, be exhausted

dēlassāre, dēlassō, dēlassātumweary out, tire out

diffatīgāre, diffatīgōweary out, tire a person, fatigue, exhaust

taedet mē [taedēre, taedet, taeduit (taesum est)]I am disgusted, I am offended, I am tired, I am weary of, I loathe

taediāre, taediō, taediāvīfeel loathing, feel disgust, be weary

vītam asperam trahōdragging his tedious life, dragging his weary life


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