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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 21 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
accīdere, accīdō, accīdī, accīsumbegin to cut, cut into, so to cut a thing that it falls, fell, cut, impair, weaken

adtenuāre, adtenuō, adtenuāvī, adtenuātummake thin, make weak, thin, attenuate, weaken, enfeeble, lessen, diminish

adterere, adterō, adtrīvī, adtrītumrub one thing against another, rub away, wear out by rubbing, diminish by rubbing, waste, wear away, weaken, impair, exhaust, destroy

attenuāre, attenuō (adtenuō), attenuāvī, attenuātummake thin, make weak, thin, attenuate, weaken, enfeeble, lessen, diminish

attenuāre, attenuō (adtenuō), attenuāvī, attenuātummake thin, make weak, thin, attenuate, weaken, enfeeble, lessen, diminish, bring low, abase

atterere, atterō (adterō), attrīvī, attrītumrub one thing against another, rub away, wear out by rubbing, diminish by rubbing, waste, wear away, weaken, impair, exhaust, destroy

carpere, carpō, carpsī, carptumtear, rend, lacerate, pluck, snatch, enjoy, use, make use of, gnaw at, carp at, slander, calumniate, revile, rob of strength, weaken, enfeeble, wear away, consume, consume completely, destroy, inflict injury upon an enemy

carpere, carpō, carpsī, carptumweaken, harass, separate a whole into single parts, cut to pieces, divide, go, tread upon, pass over, navigate, sail along, sail through, take one’s way, pursue one’s way

castrāre, castrō, castrāvī, castrātumdeprive of generative power, emasculate, castrate, geld, pass through a sack or bag, filter, shorten, cut off, curtail, enervate, debilitate, weaken, diminish, check, restrain

comminuere, comminuō, comminuī, comminūtummake small, separate into small parts, break to pieces, crumble to pieces, crush, split, lessen, diminish, weaken, impair, enervate

cōnsūmere, cōnsūmō, cōnsūmpsī, cōnsūmptumtake wholly, take completely, take up, eat, consume, devour, waste, squander, annihilate, destroy, bring to naught, kill, weaken, enervate

contundere, contundō, contudī, contūsum (contūnsum)beat, bruise, grind, crush, pound, break to pieces, break, lessen, weaken, destroy, subdue, put down, baffle, check

dēbilitāre, dēbilitō, dēbilitāvī, dēbilitātumlame, cripple, maim, to debilitate, unnerve, disable, weaken

dēlumbāre, dēlumbō, dēlumbāvī, dēlumbātummake lame in the loins, vend, bend into an arch, weaken, enervate

dēstruere, dēstruō, dēstrūxī, dēstrūctumpull down, tear down, destroy, ruin, weaken

dēterere, dēterō, dētrīvī, dētrītumrub away, wear away, wear out, thresh out, diminish in force, lessen, weaken, impair

diffīrmāre, diffīrmōweaken, dissipate

dīluere, dīluō, dīluī, dīlūtumwash to pieces, wash away, dissolve, dilute, cause to melt away, wash, drench, wash out, weaken, dissolve in a liquid, temper, mix, lessen, impair, do away with water, remove with water, atone for, solve a difficulty

solvere, solvō, solvī, solūtumrelease, loose, remove, set free, emancipate, disengage, dissolve, take apart, break up, part, dissolve, disperse, divide, scatter, separate, dismiss, relax, make effeminate, weaken, pay, fulfil the duty, fulfil a vow

subtīliāre, subtīliōdilute, refine, weaken

tenuāre, tenuō, tenuāvi, tenuātummake thin, slender, meagre, fine, rare, dilute, rarefy, attenuate, make small, make trifling, lessen, diminish, reduce, weaken, enfeeble

query 1/E (max. 1000): 24 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
cōnficere, cōnficiō, cōnfēcī, cōnfectumdiminish, lessen, weaken an object, sweep away, destroy, kill, wear out, consume, grind, digest, provide, bring together

dīcendō extenuō aliquidweaken something through one's words, belittle something through one's words, downplay something through one's words, trivialize something through one's words

vīrēs castrōweaken the forces


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