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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 13 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adtenuātus, adtenuāta, adtenuātumenfeebled, weakened, reduced, weak, feeble, destitute, poor, shortened, brief, meagre, dry, without ornament

aeger, aegra, aegrumill, sick, unwell, diseased, suffering, troubled, anxious, dejected, sad, sorrowful, infirm, weak, feeble, evil, envious, sad, sorrowful, grievous, unfortunate

attenuātus, attenuāta, attenuātum (adtenuātus)enfeebled, weakened, reduced, weak, feeble, destitute, poor, shortened, brief, meagre, dry, without ornament

dēbilis, dēbileunmanageable, wanting in flexibility or activity, lame, disabled, crippled, infirm, debilitated, feeble, frail, weak

dēductus, dēducta, dēductumattenuated, muffled, thin, incurved, elongated, faint, delicate, drawn inwards, bent inwards, slender, weak, humble

dēfectus, dēfecta, dēfectumweak, weakened, worn out, enfeebled

dēlumbis, dēlumbelamed in the loins, lamed, weakened, enervated, weak, feeble

dīlūtus, dīlūta, dīlūtumdiluted, thin, weak, soft, drunk

tenuis, tenuefine, thin, rare, slim, lank, slender, weak, little, slight, trifling, poor, mean, fine, nice, delicate, subtle, exact, insignificant, low, inferior, common

ūmidus, ūmida, ūmidum moist, humid, damp, dank, wet, watery, weak

vacīvus vīriumweak

vānus, vāna, vānumthat contains nothing, empty, void, vacant, idle, null, groundless, unmeaning, fruitless, vain, false, lying, deceptive, delusive, untrustworthy, weak, wavering, vainglorious, ostentatious, boastful

vescus, vesca, vescumsmall, little, thin, weak, feeble, poor, wretched, corroding, eating away

query 1/E (max. 1000): 34 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adtenuāre, adtenuō, adtenuāvī, adtenuātummake thin, make weak, thin, attenuate, weaken, enfeeble, lessen, diminish

animus imbēcillusweak head, imbecile

animus īnfīrmusweak head, imbecile

attenuāre, attenuō (adtenuō), attenuāvī, attenuātummake thin, make weak, thin, attenuate, weaken, enfeeble, lessen, diminish

attenuāre, attenuō (adtenuō), attenuāvī, attenuātummake thin, make weak, thin, attenuate, weaken, enfeeble, lessen, diminish, bring low, abase

auxilia īnfīrmaweak armed forces, weak auxiliary forces

cacomnēmōn, cacomnēmonis mwho has a weak memory, title of a mime of Laberius

cālīgināre, cālīginōemit vapor, emit steam, steam, reek, be involved in darkness, be dark, be gloomy, be mentally blind, be surrounded by darkness, grope about, suffer from weakness, be weak, be dim-sighted

cālīgāre, cālīgō, cālīgāvī, cālīgātumemit vapor, emit steam, steam, reek, be involved in darkness, be dark, be gloomy, be mentally blind, be surrounded by darkness, grope about, suffer from weakness, be weak, be dim-sighted

callīgāre, callīgō, callīgāvī, callīgātumemit vapor, emit steam, steam, reek, be involved in darkness, be dark, be gloomy, be mentally blind, be surrounded by darkness, grope about, suffer from weakness, be weak, be dim-sighted

captus animīweak in spirit, mentally weak

claudī ac dēbilēs equīlame and weak horses

cōnsenēscere, cōnsenēscō, cōnsenuīgrow old together, grow old, become old, become gray, grow old or gray in an occupation, follow an occupation too long, become weak, become infirm, become powerless, waste away, fall into disuse, decay, fade, lose force, lose consideration, lose respect

contrādictiuncula, contrādictiunculae fminor objection, weak objection

corpus cadūcum et īnfīrmumthe frail and weak body, the decrepit and weak body

dēfīnītiuncula, dēfīnītiunculae fweak determination, weak definition

senēre, seneōto be old, to be weak, to be feeble

strittāre, strittōbe weak in the feet

subdēbilis, subdēbilesomewhat weak, somewhat enfeebled

tālipedāre, tālipedōbe weak in the feet, totter

vōx parvasoft voice, quiet voice, weak voice


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