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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 12 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
ambolāre, ambolō, ambolāvī, ambolātumgo about, walk

ambulātiō, ambulātiōnis fwalking about, walk, place for walking, promenade

ambulāre, ambulō, ambulāvī, ambulātumgo about, walk, walk for recreation, take a walk, go, travel, journey, navigate, sail, pass over, march

badissāre, badissōgo, walk

badizāre, badizōgo, walk, stride, march

baetere, baetōgo, walk, stride

bētere, bētōgo, walk, stride

bītere, bītōgo, walk, stride

concēdere, concēdō, concessī, concessumgo, walk, go away, walk away, depart, retire, withdraw, remove from, pass away, disappear, vanish, depart from life, die, go out of the way for one, yield to, submit, give way to, adapt one’s self to, yield to power, submit to compulsion

deambulācrum, deambulācrī nplace to walk in, promenade, walk

spatium, spatiī nroom, space distance, interval, size, bulk, extent walk, promenade, public place, public square, race-course, room in a building, space in a building, action of walking, walk, promenade, turn, course, space of time, period, time, leisure, opportunity, path, race, track

vādere, vādō, vāsī, vāsumgo, walk, go hastily, go rapidly, rush

query 1/E (max. 1000): 40 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
ābaetere, ābaetōgo away, walk away,

abambulāre, abambulōwalk away, wander around

adambuāre, adambulōwalk about at a thing, walk about near a thing

obambulo obambulōwalk around the Aetna

alicuius laterī adambulōwalk along by someone's side

altus incēdōwalk proudly, carry the head high

ambulābilis, ambulābilewho (what) can walk up and down, who (what) can walk along

ambulācrum, ambulācrī nwalk planted with trees

ambulandō famem obsōnōwhen I go for a walk I buy myself a hearty appetite

ambulātiō antemerīdiānamorning walk

ambulātiuncula, ambulātiunculae fshort walk, small place for walking

ambulātus, ambulātūs mwalking, power to walk

celerī ingressū ūtorhave a fast gait, have a fast walk, go at a fast pace, quicken the pace

circumambuāre, circumambulōwalk around

circumgredī, circumgredior, circumgressus sumgo around, walk around, travel about

circummeāre, circummeō, circummeāvīwalk all around, go around

commūnēs locōs volvōrun about in platitudes, hang about in common places, walk among the commonplaces

cōnspatiārī, cōnspatiorwalk together

deambulāre, deambulō, deambulāvī, deambulātumwalk abroad, walk much, take a walk, promenade

dēcurrere, dēcurrō, dēcurrī, dēcursumadvance rapidly, charge, skirmish, walk in armor, run in armor, go over, go through, come to, run through, pass through, betake one’s self to, have recourse to, leave off, go at an end

pedem summīs digitīs suspendōwalk on one's toes

spatiārī, spatior, spatiātus sumtake a walk, walk about, promenade, walk along, go, proceed, spread out, expand

superambulāre, superambulōwalk upon or over

supergradī, supergradiorstep over, walk over, go over

ūsum pedum āmittōunlearn how to walk, forget how to walk

viam eōtake a walk

xystum, xystī ncovered portico or gallery, where the athletes exercised in winter, open colonnade, open portico, a walk planted with trees

xystus, xystī mcovered portico or gallery, where the athletes exercised in winter, open colonnade, open portico, a walk planted with trees


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