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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 9 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
atrōcitās, atrōcitātis fthe quality of atrox, harshness, horribleness, hideousness, hatefulness, agitation, tumult, rage, savageness, barbarity, atrocity, cruelty, roughness, severity

concitātiō, concitātiōnis fhastening movement, quick movement, an exciting up, rousing up, emotion of mind, affection, passion, sedition, tumult

concitātus, concitātūs m (nur Abl. Sgl. concitātū)hastening movement, quick movement, an exciting up, rousing up, emotion of mind, affection, passion, sedition, tumult

concitus, concitüs mhastening movement, quick movement, an exciting up, rousing up, emotion of mind, affection, passion, sedition, tumult

concursus, concursūs mrunning together, flocking together, a concourse, assembly, uproar, tumult, running together, dashing together, a pressing, striking one upon another, an encountering, meeting, concourse, onset, attack, charge, assault, an equal claim, joint heirship

cōnsternātiō, cōnsternātiōnis fconfusion, dismay, consternation, alarm, disquietude, disturbance, mutiny, tumult, disorder, sedition

tumultus, tumultūs muproar, bustle, violent commotion, tumult, roar of thunder, storm, tempest, sudden or impending war, civil war, insurrection, tumult, sedition, rebellion

turba, turbae f (τύρβη)turmoil, hubbub, uproar, disorder, tumult, commotion, disturbance, brawl, confusion, disturbance, quarrel, crowd, throng, multitude, mob, band, train, troop, number

turbor, turbōris mrestlessness, unquietness, disturbance, tumult

query 1/E (max. 1000): 13 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
tumultuārius, tumultuāria, tumultuāriumbelonging to bustle, belonging to hurry, belonging to tumult, brought hurriedly together, raised hastily, raised suddenly, that is done in a hurry, that is done hurried, that happens hasty, that is done sudden, that happens confused, that is done irregular

tumultuārī, tumultuor, tumultuātus summake a bustle, make a disturbance, be in great agitation, be in confusion, be in an uproar, raise a tumult, storm, rant, talk at random

tumultuōsus, tumultuōsa, tumultuōsumfull of bustle, full of confusion, full of tumult, restless, turbulent, tumultuous, announcing disturbances

tumultus, tumultūs mexcitement, anxiety, disturbance, disquietude, agitation, tumult of the mind, tumult of the feelings, confusion, disorder


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