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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 7 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
accīsus, accīsa, accīsumcut off or down, impaired, ruined, troubled, disordered

aeger, aegra, aegrumill, sick, unwell, diseased, suffering, troubled, anxious, dejected, sad, sorrowful, infirm, weak, feeble, evil, envious, sad, sorrowful, grievous, unfortunate

anxius, anxia, anxiumdistressed, solicitous, uneasy, troubled, anxious, that troubles, that awakens solicitude, that troublesome, prepared with anxious care

sēditiōsus, sēditiōsa, sēditiōsumfull of civil discord, factious, turbulent, mutinous, seditious, quarrelsome, exposed to discord, troubled

sollicitus, sollicita, sollicitumthoroughly moved, agitated, disturbed, full of anxiety, full of excitement, distracted by cares, engaged, troubled, agitated, vibrating (by disease), full of anxiety, alarmed, solicitous, anxious, mournful, full with cares, connected with cares and anxiety

turbātus, turbāta, turbātumtroubled, disturbed, disordered, agitated, excited

turbidus, turbida, turbidumfull of confusion, full of disorder, wild, confused, disordered, wild, stormy, troubled, thick, muddy, turbid, disturbed, perplexed, violent, boisterous, turbulent, vehement

query 1/E (max. 1000): 13 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
aegrēscere, aegrēscōbecome ill, grow sick, be troubled, be anxious, be afflicted, be grieved

aegrī mortālēstroubled people, grief-stricken people

afflīctārī, afflīctor, mē afflīctātus sumgrieve, be greatly troubled in mind about a thing, be very anxious, be very uneasy, afflict one’s self

tumultū permōtusdismayed by the horror of war, troubled by the horror of war

turbidum, turbidī nconfused time, troubled time

vermināre, verminōhave worms, be troubled with worms, have crawling pains, have itching pains, prick, shoot, ache, pain


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