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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 17 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
tergeminus, tergemina, tergeminumthree born at a birth, three twin-brothers, threefold, triple, triform

terplicāre, terplicōmultiply by three, treble, triple

trifārius, trifāria, trifāriumof three sorts or ways, threefold, triple

trifōrmis, trifōrmehaving three forms, having three shapes, having three natures, threefold, triple, triform

trigemināre, trigeminōtriple, treble

trigeminus canisthree born at a birth, three twin-brothers, threefold, triple, triform

trigeminus, trigemina, trigeminumthree born at a birth, three twin-brothers, threefold, triple, triform

[caput, ferrum]threefold, triple

trīnī, trīnae, trīnathree each, three, threefold, triple

trīnus, trīna, trīnumthree, triple, three each

triplāris, triplārethreefold, triple

triplasius, triplasia, triplasiumthreefold, triple

triplex, triplicis nthree times as much, threefold portion, triple

triplex, triplicis nthree times as much, threefold portion, triple

triplicāre, triplicō, triplicāvī, triplicātummultiply by three, treble, triple

triplāre, triplōmultiply by three, treble, triple

trisulcus, trisulca, trisulcumthree-cleft, three-forked, threepointed, threefold, triple, threeforked

query 1/E (max. 1000): 27 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
trifūr, trifūris mtriple thief, arrant thief

trīgenēs, trīgenestriple grammatical gender

trilīciārius, trilīciāriiī mwho weaves with three twists, who weaves triple twisted

tripatēns, tripatentistriple open standing, triple open

triplārius, triplāriī mreceiving triple ration, getting triple portion

triplex aciēstriple front

triplex rēgnumtriple domination, threefold rule

triplicābilis, triplicābilethat can be tripled, that can be threefold, that can be triple

triplicārius, triplicāriī mreceiving triple ration, getting triple portion

triplum, triplī nthe triple, three times as much


Wortform von: triple
[12] Vok. Sgl. m. von triplus, tripla, triplum
[80] Adv. von triplus, tripla, triplum

3. Belegstellen für "triple"

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