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Suchergebnis zu
"treacherous woman":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

query 1/E (max. 1000): 59 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adolēscēns, adolēscentis cone who has not yet attained maturity, youth, young man, young woman, maiden

adsectārī, adsector (assector), adsectātus sumattend one with zeal, attend one with eagerness, accompany, follow, wait upon, be in attendance upon, follow a woman

adulēscēns, adulēscentis cone who has not yet attained maturity, youth, young man, young woman, maiden

adulēscēns, adulēscentis mone who has not yet attained maturity, youth, young man, young woman, maiden

aliī mulierī mātrimōniō mē obstringōmarry another woman

androgynē, androgynēs f (Akk. Sgl. androgynēn)masculine, heroic woman

androgynēs, androgynae m (Akk. Sgl. androgynēn)masculine, heroic woman

anēre, aneōbe decrepit, tremble like an old woman

anēscere, anēscōtremble like an old woman

anicilla, anicillae flittle old woman

anicla, aniclae flittle old woman

anicula, aniculae flittle old woman

aniculāris, aniculāreworthy of an old woman, after the manner of an old woman

anīlis, anīlepertaining to an old woman, like an old woman, old womanish, anile

anīlitās, anīlitātis fold age of a woman, anility, old woman age

anīliterlike an old woman

anīlitārī, anīlitorbecome an old woman

anucella, anucellae flittle old woman

anus, anūs fold woman, matron, old wife, old maid, female soothsayer, sibyl

anympha, anymphae funmarried woman, virgin

assectārī, assector (adsector), assectātus sumattend one with zeal, attend one with eagerness, accompany, follow, wait upon, be in attendance upon, follow a woman, stalk

bilinguis, bilinguetwotongued, double-tongued, with two keys, speaking two languages, hypocritical, deceitful, false, treacherous, having a double meaning, allegorical

bilinguus, bilingua, bilinguumtwotongued, double-tongued, with two keys, speaking two languages, hypocritical, deceitful, false, treacherous, having a double meaning, allegorical

bivira, bivirae fwoman married to a second husband

canīcula, canīculae fsmall dog or bitch, a quarrelsome woman, kind of sea-dog, worst throw with dice, dog throw

carīsa, carīsae fartful woman

carissa, carissae fartful woman

casca, cascae fthe old woman, the old lady, the ancient one

cloāca, cloācae fsewer, drain, artificial sewer in Rome, stomach of a drunken woman (humorously)

Colchis, Colchidis fthe Kolch woman

concubīna, concubīnae fconcubine, , pimp woman

concubīnātus, concubīnātūs munion of a man with an unmarried woman, concubinage, dulterous intercourse

concubīnus, concubīnī mone who lives in concubinage, concubine, co-sleeper, callboy, woman spoiler, prostitute

Damalis, Damalidis fname of a woman

Damalis, Damalis fname of a woman

parturiēns, parturientis fwoman in labor

scrapta, scraptae fan unchaste woman

scratia, scratiae fan unchaste woman

scratta, scrattae fan unchaste woman

scrattia, scrattiae fan unchaste woman

senica, senicae faged person, old man, old woman

spōnsa, spōnsae fbetrothed woman, bride

stola, stolae flong female upper garment, noble woman, lady, dame, matron

striga, strigae f (2)woman that brings harm to children, hag, witch

subagitātrīx, subagitātrīcis fshe that indulges in illicit intercourse, lascivious woman

subigitātrīx, subigitātrīcis fshe that indulges in illicit intercourse, lascivious woman

togāta, togātae fimmodest woman, prostitute

tribas, tribadis fwoman who practises lewdness with women

ūnctrīx, ūnctrīcis fthe woman who anoints, femal anointer

ūnivira, ūnivirae fwoman that has had only one husband

ūnivirātus, ūnivirātūs mstate of a woman who has married but once

ūniviria, ūniviriae fwoman that has had only one husband

uxōrem spōnsōget engaged to a woman

ūxōrius ambitusthe scheming efforts of a woman

vetula, vetulae flittle old woman

vira, virae fwoman

virgō, virginis fmaid, maiden, virgin, young woman, girl, unwedded, pure, unused, unmarried, untilled, vacant

zelotypa, zelotypae fjealous woman

zōnā aureā muliebriter cingorgird yourself with a golden belt after the manner of a woman


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