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Suchergebnis zu
"thriving condition":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

query 1/E (max. 1000): 66 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
addūcere, addūcō, addūxī, adductumbring a person into a certain condition, prompt to, induce to, prevail upon, persuade to, move to, incite to

aegrōtātiō, aegrōtātiōnis fillness, sickness, disease, infirmity, morbid state, morbid condition

aequa iūris dēscrīptiōgood judicial condition

aequibilis, aequibilein a tolerable condition

aequīs lēgibusin a democratic condition, in a democratic state

affectus corporisphysical condition

afflīctus, afflīcta, afflīctum (adflīctus)disquiet greatly, agitate, toss, shatter, damage, harass, injure, trouble, disquiet, vex, torment, distress, disordered, embarrassed, ruined, being in a bad state, being in a ill condition, cast down, dejected, discouraged, desponding, abandoned, outcast, depraved, low, mean

altilitās, altilitātis fwell-fed condition

angustum, angustī nnarrowness, difficult condition, critical condition, perilous condition, danger

anhydros, anhydrī fnarcissus (as thriving in dry regions)

antīquitās, antīquitātis fcondition of former times, state of former times, the good old times, the honesty of the good old times, integrity, uprightness

antīquō (A)leave it in its ancient state, restore a thing to its former condition

anydros, anydrī fnarcissus (as thriving in dry regions)

beātitās, beātitātis fthe condition of the beatus, happiness, a blessed condition, blessedness

beātitūdō, beātitūdinis fthe condition of the beatus, happiness, a blessed condition, blessedness

bene cōnstituōput in good shape, bring into a proper condition

captīvitās, captīvitātis fthe condition of a captivus, captivity, bondage, taking, capture

cāsus, cāsūs ma falling, falling down, fall, overthrow, throwing down, destruction, end, moral fall, false step, error, change from a higher to a lower condition, occurrence, event, accident, chance, misfortune, emergency, occasion, opportunity, adverse event, misfortune, mishap, calamity

catastēma, catastēmatis nposition of a star, situation of a star, condition of a star

causa, causae ffeigned cause, pretext, pretence, judicial process, lawsuit, party, faction, cause that one defends, relation of friendship, connection, condition, state, situation, relation, position, business undertaken for any one, employment, matter, subject

circumstantia, circumstantiae fa standing round, a surrounding, the state, condition, circumstances, attribute, quality

colōnātus, colōnātūs mcondition of a rustic

color, colōris mcolor, hue, tint, coloring stuff, dyestuff, complexion, external form, state, condition, position, outward show, appearance, character, fashion, cast, coloring, style, splendor, lustre, brilliancy, pretext, palliation, excuse

colōs, colōris m (altlat.)color, hue, tint, coloring stuff, dyestuff, complexion, external form, state, condition, position, outward show, appearance, character, fashion, cast, coloring, style, splendor, lustre, brilliancy, pretext, palliation, excuse

commissōria, commissōriae fclause in the condition of a sale or of a contract (by which a vendor reserved to himself the privilege of rescinding the sale if the purchaser did not pay his purchase-money at the time agreed on)

commodum, commodī nconvenient opportunity, favorable condition, convenience, advantage, profit, reward, pay, stipend, salary, wages for public service, favor, privilege, immunity, useful thing, a good, that which is lent, a loan

compōnere, compōnō, composuī, compositumpacify, allay, settle, calm, appease, quiet, tranquillize, reconcile, set right, set in or restore to the proper place or condition, arrange, adjust, order, set in order

condiciō ac fortūna hominum īnfimī generisthe condition and lot of the lowest class

condiciō speciālisspecial condition

condiciō, condiciōnis fagreement, stipulation, condition, compact, proposition, terms, demand, marriage, match, amour, the relation of lover or mistress, external position, external situation, condition, rank, place, circumstances, situation, nature, mode, manner

condiciōnālis, condiciōnālewith a condition attached, conditional, with conditions

condiciōnem accipiōaccept a condition, accept a proposal, accept a marriage proposal

condiciōnem cōnstituōset a condition, establish a condition

condiciōnem dīcōset a condition

condiciōnem exsolvōfulfill a condition

condiciōnem propōnōnegotiate a condition

condiciōnem recūsorefuse a condition, reject a condition

condiciōnem repudiōreject a condition, refuse a request

condiciōnem respuōreject a condition, refuse a request

condiciōnem statuōset a condition, impose a condition

conditiō, conditiōnis fagreement, stipulation, condition, compact, proposition, terms, demand, marriage, match, amour, the relation of lover or mistress, external position, external situation, condition, rank, place, circumstances, situation, nature, mode, manner

conditiōnālis, conditiōnālewith a condition attached, conditional, with conditions

cōnsors, cōnsortissharing property with one, living in community of goods, partaking of in common, dividing something with one, having an equal share, partaking of, sharing, of the same condition, common

corruptiō, corruptiōnis fa corrupt condition, corruption

cum eō, quod ... (ut ..., nē ...)with the circumstance that, in the regard that, on the condition that, under the condition that, with the exception that

inhūmānus, inhūmāna, inhūmānumnot suitable to the human condition, that does not befit a human being, unpolished, uncivil, unmannerly, ill-bred, churlish, discourteous, superhuman, godlike

mē comparōplace onseself in a condition

servitium, servitiī ncondition of a slave, condition of a servant, slavery, servitude, body of servants, class of slaves

sīcso, thus, in this manner, in that manner, in such a manner, in the same way, in the same manner, in like manner, likewise, to this extent, to this degree, to such a degree, in this state, in that state, in this condition, in that condition, in such a condition

sordēs, sordis fdirt, filth, uncleanness, squalor, lowness of rank, meanness of rank, low condition, meanness, baseness of behavior, dregs of the people, mob, rabble, meanness, stinginess, niggardliness, sordidness

sors, sortis flot, casting of lots, drawing of lots, decision by lot, share, duty assigned by lot, oracular response, oracular sayings, oracular verses, oracular sentences, fate, destiny, chance, fortune, condition, share, part, capital bearing interest, rank, class, order

sortis, sortis flot, casting of lots, drawing of lots, decision by lot, share, duty assigned by lot, oracular response, oracular sayings, oracular verses, oracular sentences, fate, destiny, chance, fortune, condition, share, part, capital bearing interest, rank, class, order

status, statūs mcivil status, condition, position, circumstances, constitution, institutions, form of government, characteristic, mark, character, essential feature, mood of the verb

status, statūs mmode of standing, way of standing, mode of holding one’s body, posture, position, attitude, station, carriage, manners, dress, apparel, conviction, argument, condition in regard to public rights, political status

tempestīvitās, tempestīvitātis fright time, proper time, timeliness, seasonableness, right state, proper state, proper condition

tempus, temporis n (cf. τέμνω)portion of time, period of time, a time, time, season, fitting time, appointed time, the right season, proper period, opportunity, state of the times, position, state, condition

tīrōnātus, tīrōnātūs mstate of a recruit, condition of a recruit

valētūdinem causorapologize with my condition

valētūdinem excūsōapologize with my condition

valētūdinis excūsātiōne ūtorapologize with my condition

valētūdō, valētūdinis fhabit, state of body, condition of body, state of health, health, good state, good condition, soundness of body, good health, healthfulness, bad state, bad condition, ill health, sickness, feebleness, infirmity, indisposition, health, soundness

vendico 1lay claim to as one’s own, make a claim upon, demand, claim, arrogate, assume, appropriate, place in a free condition, set free, free, emancipate, avenge, revenge, punish, take vengeance, make compensation for

venīre, veniō, vēnī, ventumcome, spring, be descended, appeare, happen, come into, fall into any state, fall into any condition

vidē, quis sit rērum nostrārum statussee what condition our things are in

vindicāre, vindicō, vindicāvī, vindicātumlay claim to as one’s own, make a claim upon, demand, claim, arrogate, assume, appropriate, place in a free condition, set free, free, emancipate, avenge, revenge, punish, take vengeance, make compensation for

vocāre, vocō, vocāvī, vocātumput in a situation, put in a mood, bring in some position, draw in some position, put in some condition, set in some condition, place in some condition


3. Belegstellen für "thriving condition"

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