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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 14 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adtenuāre, adtenuō, adtenuāvī, adtenuātummake thin, make weak, thin, attenuate, weaken, enfeeble, lessen, diminish

aquātus, aquāta, aquātummixed with water, watery, thin

attenuāre, attenuō (adtenuō), attenuāvī, attenuātummake thin, make weak, thin, attenuate, weaken, enfeeble, lessen, diminish

attenuāre, attenuō (adtenuō), attenuāvī, attenuātummake thin, make weak, thin, attenuate, weaken, enfeeble, lessen, diminish, bring low, abase

dēductus, dēducta, dēductumattenuated, muffled, thin, incurved, elongated, faint, delicate, drawn inwards, bent inwards, slender, weak, humble

dīlūtus, dīlūta, dīlūtumdiluted, thin, weak, soft, drunk

soubtīlis, soubtīlefine, not thick, not coarse, thin, slender, minute

stricōsus, stricōsa, stricōsumlean, lank, thin, meagre, meagre, dry, tasteless

strigōsus, strigōsa, strigōsumlean, lank, thin, meagre, dry, tasteless

subcrotillus, subcrotilla, subcrotillumthin, slender, delicate

subtīlis, subtīlefine, not thick, not coarse, thin, slender, minute, nice, acute, delicate, exquisite, precise, exact, accurate, keen, subtle, keen, plain, simple, unadorned

succrotillus, succrotilla, succrotillumthin, slender, delicate

tenuis, tenuefine, thin, rare, slim, lank, slender, weak, little, slight, trifling, poor, mean, fine, nice, delicate, subtle, exact, insignificant, low, inferior, common

vescus, vesca, vescumsmall, little, thin, weak, feeble, poor, wretched, corroding, eating away

query 1/E (max. 1000): 39 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
axula, axulae fthin board, small plank

bractea, bracteae fa thin plate of metal, gold-leaf, the golden fleece of Spanish sheep, thin layers of wood, veneers, show, glitter

bracteola, bracteolae fthin leaf of gold

brattea, bratteae f (bractea)a thin plate of metal, metallic foil, gold-leaf, the golden fleece of Spanish sheep, thin layers of wood, veneers, show, glitter

bratteola, bratteolae fthin leaf of gold

calvēscere, calvēscōbecome bald, grow up thin, grow up far apart

carta, cartae fleaf of the Egyptian papyrus, paper, that which is written upon paper, writing, letter, poem, thin leaf, plate, lamina, tablet

charta, chartae fleaf of the Egyptian papyrus, paper, the papyrus plant itself, that which is written upon paper, writing, letter, poem, thin leaf, plate, lamina, tablet

charta, chartae f (χάρτης)leaf of the Egyptian papyrus, paper, that which is written upon paper, writing, letter, poem, thin leaf, plate, lamina, tablet

chartina, chartinae fleaf of the Egyptian papyrus, paper, that which is written upon paper, writing, letter, poem, thin leaf, plate, lamina, tablet

chartus, chartī mleaf of the Egyptian papyrus, paper, the papyrus plant itself, that which is written upon paper, writing, letter, poem, thin leaf, plate, lamina, tablet

cōnfīrmātrīx, cōnfīrmātrīcis fshe who confirms a thing, she who establishes a thin

corticulus, corticulī ma small rind, thin rind, thin bark, small shell

dīrāre, dīrārōmake thin

rārēscere, rārēscōgrow thin, lose its density, become rare, be rarefied

scōpae, scōpārum fthin branches, twigs, shoots, broom, besom

sublūcāre, sublūcōtrim, cut away, thin out

subtenuis, subtenuerather thin, thinnish

tenuābilis, tenuābilemaking thin, attenuating

tenuārius, tenuāria, tenuāriumbelonging to thin clothing

tenuēscere, tenuēscōgrowing thin

tenuiārius, tenuiāria, tenuiāriumbelonging to thin clothing

tenuāre, tenuō, tenuāvi, tenuātummake thin, slender, meagre, fine, rare, dilute, rarefy, attenuate, make small, make trifling, lessen, diminish, reduce, weaken, enfeeble

toga vitreavery thin toga, very fine toga

trāma figūraethin figure, lank figure


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