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Engl. Fund;

query 1/E (max. 1000): 13 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
aliquem vōtīs ōminibus lacrimīsque prōsequoraccompany someone with good wishes and farewell tears

aliquid mihi lāmentārium estsomething moves me to tears

āvolsor, āvolsōris mone that tears off

āvulsor, āvulsōris mone that tears off

collacrimārī, collacrimor, collacrimātus sumburst into tears

comminuor alicuius lacrimīsbe softened by someone's tears

dēlacrimāre, dēlacrimōshed tears, weep

imber ūxōriustears for the wife, tears about the death of the wife

sublacrimāre, sublacrimōhave a bit of tears, weeping a little

vallis lacrimārumValley of Tears, Tears Valley

vim lacrimārum prōfundōshed a stream of tears, shed many tears

vix mē contineō, quīn lacrimemcan hardly refrain from tears, can hardly contain the tears

vix mihi temperō, quīn lacrimemcan hardly refrain from tears, can hardly contain the tears


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