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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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Suchergebnis zu

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

query 1/E (max. 1000): 21 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
allēctor, allēctōris mone that chooses others into a college, a deputy under the emperors, who collected the taxes in the provinces, chief collector

cīvitātem tribūtīs fraudōevade taxes

susceptor, susceptōris mone who undertakes any thing, undertaker, contractor, receiver, collector of taxes, one who takes into his house thieves, gamesters, etc, , receiver, gaming-house keeper, guardian, protector

tribūta alicuī imperōorder someone to pay taxes, order someone to pay duties

tribūta alicuī impōnōimpose taxes on someone, levy taxes on someone

tribūta pendōpay taxes

tribūtīs premōburden with duties, burden with charges, burden with fees, burden with taxes

vacātiō mūnerisexemption from taxes, exemption from charges

vectīgālia acerbē exigōcollect taxes with hardness

vectīgālia alicuī impōnōimpose taxes on someone

vectīgālia augeōincrease taxes, raise taxes

vectīgālia certissimataxes received with complete security

vectīgālia exigōcollect taxes

vectīgālia locōgive the taxes in lease

vectīgālia pendōpay taxes, pay indirect taxes

vectīgālia redimōtake the taxes in lease

vectīgālia temperōreduce the taxes

vectīgālia vēndōgive the taxes in lease

vectīgāliārius, vectīgāliāriiī mcollector of taxes, receiver of taxes, tax collector

vectīgālis, vectīgālebelonging to imposts, belonging to taxes, paying tribute, subject to imposts, tributary, belonging to the revenue, that brings in revenue, that brings in income

vēnālicium, vēnāliciī ntaxes on sales


Wortform von: taxes
[27] 2. Sgl. Konj. Prs. Akt. von tāxāre, tāxō, tāxāvī, tāxātum
rühre scharf an; stichele; tadele; ziehe durch; ermittele den Wert; bestimme den Wert; schätze; taxiere; necke; uze;

3. Belegstellen für "taxes"

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