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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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Suchergebnis zu

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 7 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
aestus, aestūs mfire, glow, heat, heaving motion of the sea, swell, surge, periodical flux and reflux, ebb and flow of the sea, tide, passionate ferment of the mind

assurgere, assurgō (adsurgō), assurrēxī, assurrēctumrise up to one, rise up, mount up, rise, increase in size, swell, tower up, soar

tūberāscere, tūberāscōswell up, get thicker, swell, thicken

tūberāre, tūberōswell up, get thicker, swell, thicken

tumēre, tumeō, tumuīswell, be swollen, be tumid, be puffed out, be inflated, be excited, be violent, be ready to burst forth, are in a ferment, are unsettled, approaching a crisis, be puffed up, be turgid, be pompous, be bombastic

turgēscere, turgēscōbegin to swell, swell up, swell, grow fat, grow stout, swell with passion, be inflated, be turgid

undāre, undō, undāvī, undātumrise in waves, rise in surges, throw up waves, surge, swell, overflow with, be full of, abound in any thin, wave, undulate, waver, fluctuate, be agitated

query 1/E (max. 1000): 20 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adīnflāre, adīnflōswell up

aequor perhorruitthe sea began to rise, the sea began to surge, the sea began to swell

contumēscere, contumēscōswell greatly

sinuāre, sinuō, sinuāvī, sinuātumbend, wind, curve, bow, swell out in curves, hollow out, excavate

sorōriāre, sorōriōgrow up together like two sisters, swell together like two sisters

tumefacere, tumefaciō, tumefēcī, tumefactumcause to swell, tumefy

tumefierī, tumefīo, tumefactus sumswell up, puff up, inflate

tumēscere, tumēscō, tumuībegin to swell, swell up, become swollen, become excited, become violent, become ready to burst forth, be puffed up, are fermenting, are threatening to break out

tumidāre, tumidōcause to swell

tumidus, tumida, tumidumcausing to swell

turgēre, turgeōswell out, be swollen, be tumid, be inflated, be urgid, be bombastic, be full, be swollen with anger, be enraged

turgere, turgōswell out, be swollen, be tumid, be inflated, be urgid, be bombastic, be full, be swollen with anger, be enraged

vēla tendōswell the sails


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