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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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Suchergebnis zu

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 11 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adversitās, adversitātis fopposition, contrariety, hostility, antipathy, misfortune, suffering

aeger, aegra, aegrumill, sick, unwell, diseased, suffering, troubled, anxious, dejected, sad, sorrowful, infirm, weak, feeble, evil, envious, sad, sorrowful, grievous, unfortunate

aerumnōsus, aerumnōsa, aerumnōsumfull of trouble, full of misery, suffering, wretched, miserable

afflīctiō, afflīctiōnis f (adflīctio)pain, suffering, torment

antepassiō, antepassiōnis fpresentiment of pain, suffering

ātrātus, ātrāta, ātrātumsuffering, mourning, grieving

calamitōsus, calamitōsa, calamitōsumsuffering, damaged, injured, harmed

lūgēns, lūgentissuffering, mourning, grieving

quī est in lūctūsuffering, mourning, grieving

strictūra, strictūrae fcontraction, compression, strictur, pressure, suffering, torment, mass of wrought iron, bar of iron

supplicium, suppliciī nhumiliation, public prayer, public supplication, act of worship, sacrificing, offering, sacrifice, humble entreaty, humble petition, supplication, punishment, penalty, torture, torment, pain, distress, suffering

query 1/E (max. 1000): 34 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
aeger ex vulnerewounded, suffering from a wound

aeger vulneribuswounded, suffering from wounds

aemorroicus, aemorroica, aemorroicumhemorrhagic, having hemorrhoids, suffering from hemorrhoids

afflīctātor, afflīctātōris mone who causes pain, one who causes suffering, tormentor

alvinus, alvina, alvinumsuffering from diarrhoea

calamitātem hauriōempty the cup of suffering

calamitōsus, calamitōsa, calamitōsumthat causes great damage or loss, ruinous, destructive, disastrous, pernicious, calamitous, suffering great damage, exposed to injury, unfortunate, miserable, unhappy

cardiacus, cardiaca, cardiacumpertaining to the heart, pertaining to the stomach, suffering from a disease of the stomach

chīragricī, chīragricōrum mthose suffering from hand gout (chiragra)

cibī avidussuffering hunger, starving, hungry

compassibilis, compassibilesuffering with one

cōnfessiō, cōnfessiōnis fa confession, acknowledgment, a creed, avowal of belief, acknowledgment of Christ, acknowledgment of Christ under torture, torture, suffering for religion’s sake

cordiacus, cordiaca, cordiacum (καρδιακός)pertaining to the heart, pertaining to the stomach, suffering from a disease of the stomach

cordialus, cordiala, cordialum (καρδιακός)pertaining to the heart, pertaining to the stomach, suffering from a disease of the stomach

cordiatus, cordiata, cordiatum (καρδιακός)pertaining to the heart, pertaining to the stomach, suffering from a disease of the stomach

cruciāns, cruciantissuffering torment, struggling, suffering torture, suffering agony, agonizing

crūdus, crūda, crūdumbloody, bleeding, trickling with blood, raw, not cooked, undigested, suffering from indigestion, unripe, immature, crude, yet young, yet fresh, not yet armed

Deīpassiānus, Deīpassiānī ma believer in the capacity of the Divine nature for suffering

lūgentēs, lūgentium mthe bereaved, the mourners, the grieving, the suffering

torminōsus, torminōsa, torminōsumsubject to the gripes, suffering from colic

typicī, typicōrum mpeople suffering from changeable fever, people suffering from malaria

vermigerātus, vermigerāta, vermigerātumsuffering from worms

vulsus, vulsa, vulsumshorn, plucked, smooth, beardless, hairless, effeminate, suffering convulsions, spasmodic


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