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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 4 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
cathedra, cathedrae f (καθέδρα)chair, stool, armchair, sedan chair, teacher’s chair, professor’s chair, office of teacher, office of a bishop

scamnum, scamnī n (cf. σκήπτω)a bench, stool, step

sella, sellae fseat, settle, chair, stool, portable chair, seat in a coach, seat in a wagon, close stool, saddle, a magistrate’s seat

sessōrium, sessōriī nseat, stool, chair, place of residence, dwelling, habitation

query 1/E (max. 1000): 22 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
alvus compressaconstipation, hard bowel movements, heavy stool

assellāre, assellōdefecate, excrete with the stool, pass with the bowel movement

assellārī, assellorgo to stool, void

cacāturīre, cacāturiō, cacāturīīdesire to go to stool

cacāre, cacō, cacāvī, cacātumgo to stool, be at stool

dēsidēre, dēsideō, dēsēdī, dēsessumremain sitting, continue sitting, sit long, sit idle, remain inactive, go to stool

scabellum, scabellī na low stool, footstool, cricket

scamellum, scamellī na little bench, a little stool

scamillāriī, scamillāriōrum ma little bench, a little stool

scamillum, scamillī na little bench, a little stool

scamillus, scamillī ma little bench, a little stool

sēdēcula, sēdēculae flittle seat, low stool

seliquastrum, seliquastrī nkind of seat, kind of stool

seliquastrum, seliquastrī nkind of seat, kind of stool

seliquastrum, seliquastrī nkind of seat, kind of stool

sellula, sellulae flittle seat, little stool, little sedan

tēnesmos, tēnesmī m (τεινεσμός)straining at stool, tenesmus

ventrem faciōhave a passage at stool, have bowel movement, have stool


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