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longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 9 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adparātus, adparātūs ma preparing, providing, preparation, getting ready, preparation, provision, equipment, apparatus, movables, magnificent preparation, splendor, pomp, magnificence, state

apparātus, apparātūs ma preparing, providing, preparation, getting ready, preparation, provision, equipment, apparatus, movables, magnificent preparation, splendor, pomp, magnificence, state

causa, causae ffeigned cause, pretext, pretence, judicial process, lawsuit, party, faction, cause that one defends, relation of friendship, connection, condition, state, situation, relation, position, business undertaken for any one, employment, matter, subject

cīvitās, cīvitātis fthe privileges of a Roman citizen, citizenship, freedom of the city, the citizens united in a community, body-politic, state, city

color, colōris mcolor, hue, tint, coloring stuff, dyestuff, complexion, external form, state, condition, position, outward show, appearance, character, fashion, cast, coloring, style, splendor, lustre, brilliancy, pretext, palliation, excuse

colōs, colōris m (altlat.)color, hue, tint, coloring stuff, dyestuff, complexion, external form, state, condition, position, outward show, appearance, character, fashion, cast, coloring, style, splendor, lustre, brilliancy, pretext, palliation, excuse

dēferre, dēferō, dētulī, dēlātumbring an account of, give an account of, report, announce, signify, state, indict, impeach, accuse, denounce, report any thing for assessment, return to the censors, ascribe

dīcere, dīcō, dīxī, dictumsay, tell, mention, relate, affirm, declare, state, mean, intend, assert, pronounce, deliver, rehearse, speak any thing, plead

tempus, temporis n (cf. τέμνω)portion of time, period of time, a time, time, season, fitting time, appointed time, the right season, proper period, opportunity, state of the times, position, state, condition

query 1/E (max. 1000): 175 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
accepta, acceptae fportion of land granted to an individual by the state

acquiēscere, acquiēscō (adquiēscō), acquiēvī, acquiētumbecome physically quiet, come to physical repose, repose, rest, come to a state of repose in relation to one’s wishes, repose in, find rest in, find pleasure in, rejoice in, be satisfied with, acquiesce in, give assent to

āctus, āctūs mperforming a thing, act, performance, public employment, business of state, representation of a play, representation of a part, representation of a character

ad causam pūblicam accēdōtake care of the cause of the state, begin to represent the interests of the state

administrātiōne reī pūblicaestate government

admīrārī, admīror, admīrātus sumwonder at, be astonished at, regard with admiration, admire, gaze at passionately, strive after a thing from admiration of it, desire to obtain a thing from admiration of it, fall into a state of wonder or astonishment at a thing

adustiō, adustiōnis fkindling, burning, burn, rubbing, galling, inflammation, burned state

adventus, adventūs mcoming, approach, arrival, state of having arrived, being present by arriving

aegrōtātiō, aegrōtātiōnis fillness, sickness, disease, infirmity, morbid state, morbid condition

aequīs lēgibusin a democratic condition, in a democratic state

aequitās, aequitātis fquality of being aequus, uniform relation of one thing to others, equality, conformity, symmetry, just or equitable conduct toward others, justice, equity, fairness, righteousness, quiet state of mind, tranquil state of mind, evenness of temper, moderation, calmness

āeromantīa, āeromantīae fdivination from the state of the air, aëromancy

aestus, aestūs mpassionate commotion of the mind, vacillating state of mind, irresolute state of mind, doubt, uncertainty, hesitation, trouble, embarrassment, anxiely, undulatory stream of atoms, atomic efflux

affectiō, affectiōnis frelation to, disposition toward, state of mind, frame of mind, feeling, state of feeling, fixed constitution, permanent constitution, love, affection, good-will, the loved object, children, ability of willing, will, volition, inclination

affectus animīemotional state, mood

affectus mentisstate of mind

affectus, affectūs mstate of body, state of mind, disposition of mind, affection, mood, love, desire, fondness, good-will, compassion, sympathy, the beloved objects, the dear or loved ones, low passion, ignoble passion, ignoble desire, ability of willing, will, volition

afflīctus, afflīcta, afflīctum (adflīctus)disquiet greatly, agitate, toss, shatter, damage, harass, injure, trouble, disquiet, vex, torment, distress, disordered, embarrassed, ruined, being in a bad state, being in a ill condition, cast down, dejected, discouraged, desponding, abandoned, outcast, depraved, low, mean

ager pūblicusstate land, state lands

agitātiō, agitātiōnis fthe state of being in motion, motion, movement, agitation, activity, practice, exercise

agitātus, agitātūs mstate of motion, being in motion, movement, agitation, activity

aliquā rē pūblicāwith passable conditions in the state, if the state can exist to some extent

amēcus, amēcī mfriend, friend of the State, ally, counsellor, courtier, minister of a prince

ameicus, ameicī mfriend, friend of the State, ally, counsellor, courtier, minister of a prince

Americāna cīvitās Montānathe American state of Montana

amīcus, amīcī mfriend, friend of the State, ally, counsellor, courtier, minister of a prince

ammīrārī, ammīror, ammīrātus sumwonder at, be astonished at, regard with admiration, admire, gaze at passionately, strive after a thing from admiration of it, desire to obtain a thing from admiration of it, fall into a state of wonder or astonishment at a thing

amnēstia, amnēstiae famnesty, forgiving of a state crime, pardoning of a state crime

ampterminī, ampterminōrum mneighbours of the Roman state territory, border neighbours

animī affectiōmood, state of mind

animī habitusmood, state of mind, frame of mind

animōs temptō (tentō)seek to explore the mood, seek to explore the mental state

ānseribus cibāria pūblicē locanturthe geese are fed at state expense

antīquitās, antīquitātis fcondition of former times, state of former times, the good old times, the honesty of the good old times, integrity, uprightness

antīquō (A)leave it in its ancient state, restore a thing to its former condition

arātiōnēs, arātiōnum fpublic farms or plots of land farmed out for a tenth of the produce, state Domains, government domains

arrēctā omnī cīvitātewhile the whole state was tense

atrophus, atropha, atrophumin a state of atrophy, consumptive

auctōritās negōtiōrum pūblicōrum dispēnsandōrumbudget autonomy of the state

auctōritātem pūblicam interpōnōintervene for state reasons

augendō aerāriō to strengthen the state treasury

bene mōrāta et bene cōnstitūta cīvitāsa civilized state

bene sentiō dē rē pūblicāwanting the best for the state, being a patriot

beneficiīs ad aerārium dēlātus sumI was included in the gratuity list of the State Archives

bonum pūblicumthe general best, state welfare

bullīre, bulliō, bullīvī (bulliī), bullītumbe in bubbling motion, be in a state of ebullition, bubble, boil with rage, fry in a passion

bullāre, bullōbe in bubbling motion, be in a state of ebullition, bubble, boil with rage, fry in a passion

callēs pūblicaemountain drifts of the state

camēlasia, camēlasiae fcamel-driving, care of the camels belonging to the State

camēlēlasia, camēlēlasiae fcamel-driving, care of the camels belonging to the State

capitātiō, capitātiōnis fpoll-tax, outlay of the state for beasts used in the public service

carrūca, carrūcae fsort of four-wheeled travelling and state coach, noble carriage, touring carriage

carrūcha, carrūchae fsort of four-wheeled travelling and state coach, noble carriage, touring carriage

carūca, carūcae fsort of four-wheeled travelling and state coach, noble carriage, touring carriage

carūcha, carūchae fsort of four-wheeled travelling and state coach, noble carriage, touring carriage

casus reī pūblicaedecay of the state

cataclīsta, cataclīstae fsplendid garment for festal occasions, state dress

cataclīsticus, cataclīstica, cataclīsticumof a state dress

causa imperiīthe interest of the state

causam dīcōconduct a lawsuit, make a speech in court, state the legal case

causam dīscōacquaint oneself with the state of the case as a legal expert

celōx pūblicapackage boat, packet-boat, state yacht

circumstantia, circumstantiae fa standing round, a surrounding, the state, condition, circumstances, attribute, quality

cīvitās aegrabroken state

cīvitās fīnitimaBaltic state, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania

cīvitās fīnitimaneighboring country, neighboring state

cīvitās foederālisfederal state, country

cīvitās foederātafederal state

cīvitās in sagīs estthe state is under arms

cīvitās industrializātaindustrial state, industrialized state

cīvitās līberafree state, independent state

cīvitās mediterrānealandlocked state

cīvitās optima PlatōnisPlato's ideal state

cīvitās pācātapacified state, subjugated state

cīvitās perfecta PlatōnisPlato's ideal state

cīvitās praepotēnsmajor state, great state

cīvitās rēgiaking state

cīvitās RōmānaRoman state, Roman citizenship

cīvitāte aliquem exturbōdrive someone out of the state

cīvitātem administrōadminister the state, govern the state

cīvitātem ēvertōdestroy the state

cīvitātem ex colluviōne et cōnfūsiōne in novam fōrmam redigōgive the state a new shape after its complete collapse,

cīvitātem īnstituōestablish a state community

cīvitātem mūtōbecome a citizen of another state

cīvitātī lēgēs, iūdicia, iūra dēscrībōgive the state a constitution

cīvitātī mīlitēs imperōorder a state to provide soldiers

cīvitātis rēctorhead of state, head of government

cīvitātis rēctor et gubernātorhead of state

clamis, clamidis fa broad, woollen upper garment worn in Greece, a Grecian military cloak, a state mantle

clamys, clamydis fa broad, woollen upper garment worn in Greece, a Grecian military cloak, a state mantle

clāvum imperiī teneōbe in government, be at the helm of the state, direct the state

clāvum reī pūblicae teneōlead the helm of the state

clēmentia, clēmentiae fcalm, tranquil state of the elements, calmness, mildness, tranquillity, indulgent conduct, forbearing conduct, moderation, mildness, humanity, forbearance, benignity, clemency, mercy, kindness, sympathy

cōgnitor, cōgnitōris mState Agent, Government Agent

cōgnitūra, cōgnitūrae fState Agency

collātor, collātōris mhe who bears together, he who brings together, he who places together, contributor, one who pays a voluntary contribution to the state, one who compares, comparer

columen reī pūblicaepillar of the state

commentīcia cīvitās PlatōnisPlato's fictitious state, Plato's ideal state

commoda pūblicastate interest

commoda pūblica peccōcontrary to the welfare of the state

commūne iūris cōnsēnsū īnstitūtumconstitutional state

commūnis pestispossible destruction of the state

condiciō extrāōrdināriastate of exception, state of emergency

cōnsilium pūblicumcouncil meeting, state council

cōnsōpīre, cōnsōpiō, cōnsōpīvī, cōnsōpītumbring into an unconscious state, put fast asleep, lull to sleep, stupefy

cōnstitūtiō statālisstate constitution

conventus regiōnālisLandtag, state parliament

conversiō reī pūblicaerevolution, state overthrow, overthrow of the state

convocātiō populī Rōmānī ad rem pūblicam defendendamsummoning the people to the defense of the Roman state, gathering of the people to defend the Roman state

cūra tabulārum pūblicārumaccounting of the state, government accounting,

cūra, cūrae fcare, solicitude, carefulness, thought, concern, attention, management, administration, charge, management of state affairs, administration, charge, oversight, command, office

cūrātiō, cūrātiōnis fa taking care of something, administration, oversight, care, management, charge, management of state affairs, administration, office, guardianship, trusteeship, healing, cure

cūrāre, cūrō, cūrāvī, cūrātumcare for, take care of, have care of, be solicitous for, look to, attend to, trouble one’s self about, take the charge of, manage the business of, do a thing in behalf of the state, administer, govern, preside over, command, heal, cure

cūstōdia reī pūblicaestate protection, protection of the state

dautia, dautiōrum nthe entertainment furnished in Rome to foreign ambassadors or distinguished guests at the expense of the state

dē rē pūblicā bene mereorearn merit for the state

dē rē pūblicā cōgitōbe mindful of the state, be attentive to the state

dent operam cōnsulēs, nē quid rēs pūblica dētrīmentī capiatthe consuls may take care that the state is not harmed (SCU)

dēscrīptiō cīvitātisstate constitution

dēspērāta complōrātaque rēs est pūblicaall hope of saving the state has been given up

dēteriōre locō sumbe in a worse state

fortūna reī pūblicae disceptatthe fate of the state is at stake

magistrātus, magistrātūs mCivil servant, State Official, Government Official

magistrātus, magistrātūs mState Office, Office of State, State Agency

mē dēvoveō, prō, rē pūblicāsacrifice oneself for the state

mē in cīvitātem dicōnaturalize in a state

mēnsa pūblicaState Bank, National Bank

pūblicum concilium inquīsītōriumstate investigative committee, state committee of inquiry, state investigation commission

pūblicum, pūblicī nState Ownership, State property, State-owned property

rem pūblicam convertōbring the state into disorder

rēs pūblica in ancipitī estthe state is in crisis

ruīna aerāriīState Bankruptcy, National bankruptcy

sentīna, sentīnae ffilthy water that collects in the bottom of a ship, bilgewater, bottom of a ship where the bilgewater is, the hold, the lowest of the people, the dregs, refuse, rabble of a state, hangerson of an army, camp followers

sīcso, thus, in this manner, in that manner, in such a manner, in the same way, in the same manner, in like manner, likewise, to this extent, to this degree, to such a degree, in this state, in that state, in this condition, in that condition, in such a condition

soleum, soleī nseat, chair of state, throne, rule, sway, dominion, bathing, stone coffin, , sarcophagus

solium, soliī nseat, chair of state, throne, rule, sway, dominion, tub for bathing, stone coffin

spadōnātus, spadōnātūs mstate of a spado, impotency

statāle concilium inquīsītōriumstate investigative committee, state committee of inquiry, state investigation commission

tēcta cūstōdum pūblicōrum cohorsSecret State Police

tempestīvitās, tempestīvitātis fright time, proper time, timeliness, seasonableness, right state, proper state, proper condition

tīrōnātus, tīrōnātūs mstate of a recruit, condition of a recruit

trabea, trabeae frobe of state of augurs, kings, knights, equestrian order, consulate

trepidātiō, trepidātiōnis fstate of confused hurry, state of alarm, agitation, confusion, consternation, trepidation

trepidēhastily, in a state of confusion, in a state of alarm, with trepidation

trepidāre, trepidō, trepidāvī, trepidātumhurry with alarm, bustle about anxiously, be in a state of confusion, be in a state of agitation, be in a state of trepidation, flare, waver, flicker, throbbing, quivering, palpitating

trepidus, trepida, trepidumrestless, agitated, anxious, solicitous, disturbed, alarmed, in a state of trepidation, in a hurry

trīstitia solīsad nature of the soil, sad state of the ground

tumultum iniciō cīvitātīupset the state, put the state in turmoil

ultrōtribūta, ultrōtribūtōrum nexpenditures made by the State for public works

ūnitās, ūnitātis fstate of being one, oneness, unity, unity of sentiment, agreement, concord

ūnivirātus, ūnivirātūs mstate of a woman who has married but once

ut rēs fertaccording to the state of affairs

valētūdō, valētūdinis fhabit, state of body, condition of body, state of health, health, good state, good condition, soundness of body, good health, healthfulness, bad state, bad condition, ill health, sickness, feebleness, infirmity, indisposition, health, soundness

valētūdō, valētūdinis fsanity, unsound state of mind, mental infirmity

vectīgal, vectīgālis ntoll, tax, impost paid to the State, honorarium or contribution paid to a magistrate, private revenue, rents, income of private affairs

vectīgālium cēterōrumque frūctuum pūblicōrum administrātiōmanagement of the state budget, state budget

vēnae atque viscera reī pūblicaebody and blood of the state

venīre, veniō, vēnī, ventumcome, spring, be descended, appeare, happen, come into, fall into any state, fall into any condition

vestis sēpositasunday dress, state dress

veternus cīvitātem occupāvitsleeping sickness has affected the state

videant cōnsulēs, nē quid rēs pūblica dētrīmentī capiatthe consuls may take care that the state does not suffer any damage (SCU)

vinculum, per quod rēs pūblica cohaeretthe bond by which the state is held together

vir singulārī in rem pūblicam officiōa man of great service to the state

virtūtis frūctūs ex rē pūblicā capiōsee my virtue rewarded by the state

vīsitātiō statālisState Visit, Government Visit

vōs in sollicitūdine attineōkeep someone in a state of turmoil


Wortform von: state
[21] Imp. 2.Pl. Prs. Akt. von stāre, stō, stetī, statum (stātūrus)
stehe; befinde mich (stehend); stehe da; starre (von etw.); strotze (von etw); stehe feil; koste; stehe still; rühre mich nicht; stehe unerschütterlich; halte stand; halte mich; behaupte mich; hafte; bleibe stecken; stehe unbeweglich; komme zum stehen; stehe unerschütterlich da; stehe aufrecht da; bin aufgestellt; liege vor Anker; rage empor; starre empor; ergreife Partei; stehe auf jds. Seite; dauere; bleibe bei etw.; beharre auf etw.; werde fortgesetzt; gehe weiter; parke (intr.); verweile (stehend); halte mich auf (stehend); warte auf; stehe bereit; stehe fertig da; bin erbaut; stehe empor; bin auf jds. Seite; hänge jdm. an; stehe jdm. bei; bin jds. Gegner; stehe gegen jdn.; beruhe; bin in in der Schwebe; verharre auf einer Stelle; stehe fest; bestehe; habe Bestand; bleibe fest; verharre; bin festgesetzt; bin beschlossen;
[12] Vok. Sgl. m. von status, stata, statum (sisto)
festgesetzt; bestimmt; periodisch wiederkehrend; fest; ebenmäßig; proportioniert;
[63] Vok. Sgl. m. PPP von sistere, sistō, stitī (stetī), statum
bringe zum Stehen; halte an (tr.); halte auf; stelle wohin; bringe wohin; hemme; befestige (etwas Lockeres); mache stehen; beende; stelle ein; stelle fest;
[80] Adv. des PPP von sistere, sistō, stitī (stetī), statum
bringe zum Stehen; halte an (tr.); halte auf; stelle wohin; bringe wohin; hemme; befestige (etwas Lockeres); mache stehen; beende; stelle ein; stelle fest;
[80] Adv. von status, stata, statum (sisto)
festgesetzt; bestimmt; periodisch wiederkehrend; fest; ebenmäßig; proportioniert;

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