Suchergebnis zu "splendid":1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:Deut. Fund; Engl. Fund;
VolltrefferD (max. 100): 3 Ergebnis(se)
| | = prīmārius, prīmāria, prīmārium - einer der ersten | prīmās, prīmātis m | primas, primatis m | | | | | ansehnlich | prīmārius, prīmāria, prīmārium | primarius, primaria, primarium | | | | | ausgezeichnet | ēminēns, ēminentis | eminens, eminentis | | |
VolltrefferE (max. 100): 12 Ergebnis(se) Hauptquelle: Lewis and Shortadparātus, adparāta, adparātum | prepared, ready, well supplied, furnished with every thing, magnificent, splendid, sumptuous, too studied, far-felched, labored |
| amplificus, amplifica, amplificum | splendid |
| amplus, ampla, amplum | full all round, great, large, wide, ample, spacious, abundant, much, long, strong, violent, impetuous, handsome, magnificent, splendid, glorious |
| apparātus, apparāta, apparātum | prepared, ready, well supplied, furnished with every thing, magnificent, splendid, sumptuous, too studied, far-felched, labored |
| aureolus, aureola, aureolum | of gold, golden, covered with gold, ornamented with gold, gilded, gold-colored, splendid, brilliant, beautiful |
| aureus, aurea, aureum | of gold, golden, furnished with gold, wrought, interwoven with gold, ornamented with gold, gilded, of the color of gold, glittering like gold, beautiful, splendid |
| basilicus, basilica, basilicum (βασιλικός) | kingly, royal, princely, splendid, magnificent |
| beātus, beāta, beātum | happy, prosperous, blessed, fortunate, opulent, wealthy, rich, in good circumstances, abundant, excellent, splendid, magnificent, overflowing, blessed, deceased, dead |
| bracteātus, bracteāta, bracteātum | covered with gold-plate, gilt, glistening like gold, splendid, golden, shining only externally, gilded, delusive |
| bratteātus, bratteāta, bratteātum (bracteātus) | covered with gold-plate, gilt, glistening like gold, splendid, golden, shining only externally, gilded, delusive |
| speciōsus, speciōsa, speciōsum | good-looking, showy, handsome, beautiful, splendid, brilliant, well-sounding, plausible, specious |
| superbus, superba, superbum | haughty, proud, arrogant, insolent, discourteous, uncivil, rude, supercilious, domineering, delicate, fastidious, squeamish, very severe, utterly impartial, uncivil, arrogant, proud, superior, excellent, distinguished, splendid, magnificent, superb |
query 1/D1 (max. 1000): 3 Ergebnis(se) query 1/E (max. 1000): 18 Ergebnis(se) Hauptquelle: Lewis and Shortcataclīsta, cataclīstae f | splendid garment for festal occasions, state dress |
| chorāgium, chorāgiī n (χοράγιον) | the place where the chorus was trained and practised, the preparing and bringing out of a chorus, any other splendid preparation or equipment, means of acquiring, a spring |
| convīvium splendidē ōrnō | give a splendid banquet, give a splendid feast |
| cultus, cultūs m | style of dress, external appearance, clothing, dress, garb, apparel, attire, ornament, decoration, splendid dress, splendor |
| superbīre, superbiō, superbiī | be haughty, be proud, take pride in a thing, disdains, be superb, be splendid, be magnificent |
| victōria spectābilis | splendid victory, brilliant victory |
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