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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 14 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
canor, canōris mtune, sound, song, melody

cantātiō, cantātiōnis fmusic, song, charm, spell, incantation

cantātus, cantātūs mmusic, song, charm, spell, incantation

cantica, canticae fsong, chant

canticum, canticī nsong in the Roman comedy, monody, solo, song, singing tone of an orator, lampoon, libellous song, magic formula, incantation

canticus, canticī msong, chant, singing

cantilēna, cantilēnae fsong, old song, silly prattle, trite prattle, gossip, lampoon

cantiō, cantiōnis fsong, incantation, charm, spell, singsong

cantus, cantūs mproduction of melodious sound, musical utterance or expression, song, singing, playing, music, crowing, prophetic or oracular song, incantation, charm, magic song

carmen, carminis ntune, song, poem, verse, an oracular response, air, lay, strain, note, sound, composition in verse, lyric poetry, epic poetry, book, canto, prophecy, prediction, magic formula, incantation,

cantilēna, cantilēnae fsong, old song, silly prattle, trite prattle, gossip

ōdārium, ōdāriī nsong, ode

tropos, tropī mfigurative use of a word, trope, manner of singing, song

tropus, tropī mfigurative use of a word, trope, manner of singing, song

query 1/E (max. 1000): 60 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
aelinos, aelinī m (αἴλινος)song of lament, dirge

alicuius rēs gestās versibus ōrnō (celebrō)celebrate someone's deeds in song

alternīs versibusin alternating song, verse by verse

anapaestum, anapaestī nanapaestic verse, anapaestic song, anapaestic poem

antiphōna, antiphōnōrum nalternate song

barbiton, barbitī nlyre, lut, song played upon the lute

barbitos, barbitī m (βάρβιτος)lyre, lut, song played upon the lute

canere, canō, cecinī, cantumproduce melodious sounds, sing of, celebrate in song, make known in song, utter melodious notes, sing, sound, play, speak in a sing-song tone, crow, resound, rehearse, recite, cause to resound, prophesy, foretell, predict, blow

cantābundus, cantābunda, cantābundumsinging, surrendering to the song

canticulum, canticulī nlittle song, sonnet, short incantation

canticum agōrecite a song, perform a song

cantilēnam eāndem canis (τὸ αὐτὸ ᾄδεις ἆσμα)you sing ever the old song, you reel off the same old story

cantilēnōsus, cantilenosa, cantilenosumpertaining to song, poetic

cantiuncula, cantiunculae fflattering strain, alluring strain, pleasing song, ingratiating song

cantāre, cantō, cantāvī, cantātummake something the subject of one’s singing, playing or song, sing, celebrate or praise in song, sing of, write poetry upon, represent a part, act

cantulus, cantulī mlittle song

cantum moveōsing a song

cantus olōrīnusswansong, swan song

carmen amātōriumlove poem, love song

carmen arundineumshepherd song

carmen arundineumsong sung to the reed pipe

carmen canōcompose a song, sing a song

carmen chorīchoral song in tragedy

carmen epicumepic, epic poem, heroic poem, heroic song

carmen fērālefuneral song, mourning song, funeral chant

carmen orthiumsong (to the zither) in a very high pitch

carmen pāstōrāleshepherd's song

carmen probrōsumabusive song, mocking poem, derisive poem, satirical poem

carmen saeculāresong for the Centenary

carmina nōn prius audīta virginibus puerīsque cantōI sing a hitherto unheard song to you boys and girls

celebrāre, celebrō, celebrāvī, celebrātumgo somewhere in great numbers, frequent, fill, practise frequently, engage in, repeat, fill up with something, go in great numbers to a celebration, celebrate, solemnize, keep a festival, honor, praise, celebrate in song, make something known, publish abroad, proclaim

chorus canticum īnsonatthe choir sings a song

coemēsis, coemēsis fsomniferous song

cum cantū atque symphōniāwith song and sound

cȳ̆cnēa vōx et ōrātiōswan song

sīcinium, sīciniī nsong of a single person, solo

sincinium, sinciniī nsong of a single person, solo

sincinium, sinciniī nsong of a single person, solo

summō carmineat the end of the song

thrēnus, thrēnī msong of mourning, lamentation, dirge, elegy

thrēnus, thrēnī msong of mourning, lamentation, dirge, elegy

tībia mīxtīs carminibussong with flute accompaniment

tricinium, triciniī nsong by three voices, trio

triumphum nōmine cieōsing the triumphal song

vīlissimē emōbuy at a knockdown price, buy for a song

vocālis, vocālethat utters a voice, sounding, sonorous, speaking, crying, singing, vocal, making vocal, causing song, inspiring song, causing speech, inspiring speech


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