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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 8 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
corium, coriī n (κόριον)skin, hide, leather, rind, skin, bark, covering, shell, leather whip, leather thong, leather strap, the upper surface, a layer, stratum of earth, lime, building of a bee

corius, coriī mskin, hide, leather, rind, skin, bark, covering, shell, leather whip, leather thong, leather strap, the upper surface, a layer, stratum of earth, lime, building of a bee

crūsta, crūstae fthe hard surface of a body, rind, shell, crust, bark, scab, covering of ice, crust of ice, inlaid work, chased work, embossed work on walls or vessels, plasterwork, stucco-work, mosaic work, outside-work

dēglūbere, dēglūbō, dēglūpsī, dēglūptumpeel off, shell, husk, take off the skin, skin, flay

tēsta, tēstae fpiece of burned clay, brick, tile, earthen pot, pitcher, jug, urn, piece of bone, sherd, potsherd, shell of shell-fish, shell, covering, skull, brick-colored spot on the face, sort of clapping with the flat of the hands

valvolae, valvolārum fpod, shell, pericarp, valvules of leguminous plants

valvolī, valvolōrum mpod, shell, pericarp, valvules of leguminous plants

valvolum, valvolī npod, shell, pericarp

query 1/E (max. 1000): 25 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
būcina, būcinae fcrooked horn, crooked trumpet, war-trumpet, kind of circular, winding shell on which Triton blew

calva nuxnut with a smooth shell

calva, calvae fbrainpan, brain shell, cranium, skull, nut with a smooth shell, scalp without hair

calyx, calycis m (κάλυξ, v. καλύπτω)bud, cup of a flower, calyx of a flower, shell of fruits, egg-shell, covering of shell-fish, the shell, covering of wax around fruit (to preserve it)

carīna, carīnae fkeel of a ship, vessel, boat, ship, shell of nuts, bodies of dogs

carināre, carinō, carināvi, carinātumsupply with a shell

chelyon, chelyī nthe shell of the horned tortoise

corticulus, corticulī ma small rind, thin rind, thin bark, small shell

cranion, craniī nskull, brain shell, braincase, brainpan

crānium, crāniīskull, brain shell, braincase, brainpan

crūstāre, crūstō, crūstāvī, crūstātumto cover with a rind, cover with a shell, cover with a incrustation, cover with plaster-work, cover with embossed figures, incrust

crūstula, crūstulae flittle rind, little shell, little crust

cunchis, cunchis fshell bean

diptychum, diptychī nwriting-tablet of two leaves, double shell of the oyster

tēstāceus, tēstācea, tēstāceumconsisting of bricks, consisting of tiles, brick-, tile-, covered with a shell, testaceous, brick-colored

tēsticorius, tēsticoria, tēsticoriumwearing a bowl for a skin, wearing a shell for skin

tēsticutis, tēsticutewearing a bowl for a skin, wearing a shell for skin


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