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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
Bestimmung lateinischer Wortformen
(2) Drei Arbeitsbereiche: 1. Wortausgabe, 2. Formenbestimmung, 3. Textbelege

longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

Suchergebnis zu

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 3 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
calceātus, calceātūs mcovering for the foot, sandal, shoe

calciātus, calciātūs mcovering for the foot, sandal, shoe

solea, soleae fipper, sandal, kind of fetter, kind of shoe, kind of fish, kind of oil-press

query 1/E (max. 1000): 9 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
crepida, crepidae f (κρηπίς)the sole which served the Greeks, and the Romans who adopted Grecian habits, as a shoe, a sandal

crepidārius, crepidāria, crepidāriumpertaining to the sole, pertaining to the sandal

crepidula, crepidulae fa small sandal

crēpis, crēpidis fthe sole which served the Greeks, and the Romans who adopted Grecian habits, as a shoe, a sandal

solātārius, solātāriī msandal sole dealer

soleāris, soleārelike a sole, like a sandal, sandal-shaped


Wortform von: sandal

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