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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 23 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
absūmere, absūmō, absūmpsī, (absūmsī), absūmptumtake away, diminish by taking away, consume, annihilate, ruin, corrupt, destroy, spend (time), pass (time)

calamitās, calamitātis floss, injury, damage, mischief, harm, misfortune, mishap, injury, calamity, disaster, ruin, adversity, misfortunes of war, disaster, defeat

combūrere, combūrō, combūssī, combūstumburn up, consume, ruin, destroy

commūrere, commūrō, commūssī, commūstumburn up, consume, ruin, destroy

concīdere, concīdō, concīdī, concīsumcut up, cut through, cut away, cut to pieces, bring to ruin, destroy, beat severely, cudgel soundly, divide minutely, dismember, render feeble, strike down, prostrate, ruin, destroy, annul, deceive, cheat, defraud

confūnerāre, confūnerōbury, inter, ruin, destroy

conrumpere, conrumpō, conrūpī, conruptumbreak to pieces, destroy, ruin, waste, bring to naught, corrupt, mar, injure, spoil, adulterate, make worse, seduce, entice, mislead, bribe, buy over, falsify, spoil

corrumpere, corrumpō, corrūpī, corruptumbreak to pieces, destroy, ruin, waste, bring to naught, corrupt, mar, injure, spoil, adulterate, make worse, seduce, entice, mislead, bribe, buy over, falsify, spoil, forfeit,

corruere, corruō, corruī, corruitūrusfall together, fall down, tumble down, sink to the ground, fall, rush headlong, bring to the ground, heap together, overthrow, ruin, heap up

cruciātus, cruciātūs mtorture, torment, a torturing, execution, ruin, calamity, misfortune, instruments of torture

deartuāre, deartuō, deartuāvī, deartuātumdismember, rend limb by limb, ruin

dēperdere, dēperdō, dēperdidī, dēperditumdestroy, ruin, lose

dēstruere, dēstruō, dēstrūxī, dēstrūctumpull down, tear down, destroy, ruin, weaken

dētrīmentum, dētrīmentī nrubbing off, loss, damage, detriment, ruin, loss of a battle, defeat, overthrow

sepelīre, sepeliō, sepelīvī, sepultumbury, overwhelm, submerge, destroy, ruin, suppress

strāgēs, strāgis fthrowing down, throwing to the ground, overthrowing, overthrow, confusion, confused heap, confused mass, mortal overthrow, defeat, slaughter, massacre, butchery, carnage, overthrow, ruin, destruction

subversiō, subversiōnis foverturn, overthrow, ruin, destruction

subvertere, subvertō, subvertī, subversumturn upside down, upset, overturn, overthrow, ruin, destroy, subvert

subvortere, subvortō, subvortī, subvorsumturn upside down, upset, overturn, overthrow, ruin, destroy, subvert

tollere, tollō, sustulī, sublātumcarry, assume, bear, endure, take away, remove, bear away, carry away, make way with, take away with one, kill, destroy, ruin, do away with, remove, abolish, annul, abrogate, cancel

vāstitia, vāstitiae fruin, destruction

vāstitiēs, vāstitiēī fruin, destruction

vāstāre, vāstō, vāstāvī, vāstātummake empty, make vacant, leave untenanted, leave uninhabited, desert, empty of inhabitants, deprive of inhabitants, lay waste, lay desolate, ravage, devastate, ruin, destroy

query 1/E (max. 1000): 38 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
ad exitium vocōbring to ruin, bring to destruction, reduce to ruin, destroy

alicuī conturbō omnēs ratiōnēsruin someone's plans, thwart someone's plans all together

alicuius ratiōnēs conturbōruin someone's plans, upset someone's plans

aliquem iūdiciō combūrōwreck someone through a process, ruin someone through a lawsuit

aliquid est māiorī calamitātīsomething leads to greater ruin

aliquid in ruīnās agō bring something down, ruin something

in perniciem incurrōplunge blindly into ruin, plunge blindly into the abyss, plunge blindly into disaster

cinis patriaeruin of the fatherland

collabefierī, collabefīo, collabefactus sumbe made to reel, be made to totter, be brought to ruin, sink together, be overthrow, be supplant

concidere, concidō, concidī (con + cado)lose strength, lose value, fall to the earth, be overthrown, fail, be defeated, decay, perish, fall, go to ruin, waste away, cease, subside, go down

cōnflīctāre, cōnflīctō, cōnflīctāvī, cōnflīctātumstrike together violently, to fight with, contend with, struggle with, strike forcibly to the earth, to ruin

cōnflīctārī, cōnflīctor, cōnflīctātus sum (pass zu cōnflīctō)be severely tormented, be vexed, be harassed, be afflicted, be brought to ruin

conturbātor, conturbātōris mthat brings disorder or ruin, ruinous, expensive, costly

dēperīre, dēpereō, dēperiī, dēperitūrusgo to ruin, perish, die, be lost, be undone, fade, be desperately in love with, dying with love for

dīlābī, dīlābor, dīlāpsus sumfall asunder, go to pieces, melt away, dissolve, flow apart, flow away, divide, melt, move away in different directions, flee, escape, scatter, disperse, tumble down, fall to pieces, go to decay, go to ruin, perish, be lost, slip away, vanish, glide away


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