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Suchergebnis zu
"royal bodyguard":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

query 1/E (max. 1000): 17 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
archōn, archontis mruler, archon, the highest magistrate at Athens after the abrogation of royal authority,

armigerī, armigerōrum marmed, bodyguard, palace guard, lansquenets

astator, astatōris mprotector, guardian, bodyguard

auctōritātem aulae commūniōconsolidate the authority of the royal court

aula, aulae ffront court of a Grecian house, inner court of a house (= atrium), hall, palace, castle of a noble, royal court, cell of the queen-bee, princely power, princely dignity, persons belonging to the court, court, courtiers

basilēum, basileī nroyal diadem

basilicus, basilica, basilicum (βασιλικός)kingly, royal, princely, splendid, magnificent

basilīum, basiliī nroyal ornament, princely ornament

cohors praetōriaretinue of the governor, imperial bodyguard, bodyguard of the commander

corporis cūstōdēsbodyguard, lifeguard

cūstōdia corporisbodyguard, lifeguard

Dardanus, Dardanī mson of Jupiter and Electra of Arcadia, founder of the city Dardania, in Troas, and ancestor of the royal race of Troy

diadēma, diadēmatis n (διάδημα)royal head-dress, diadem

dioecētēs, dioecētae m (διοικητής)overseer of the revenue, royal treasurer

scēptrum, scēptrī n (σκῆπτρον)a royal staff, a sceptre

scultātōrēs, scultātōrum mkind of bodyguard

stīpātor, stīpātōris mattendant of a nobleman, attendant, bodyguard


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