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longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 7 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
colere, colō, coluī, cultumattend to, dress, clothe, adorn, cherish, seek, practise, devote one’s self to, live in, experience, live through, pass, spend, regard one with care, honor, revere, reverence, worship, respect

contemplātus, contemplātūs m (nur Abl.Sgl. contemplātū)consideration, contemplation, observance, regard, respect

dignatiō, dignatiōnis fconsidering worthy, deeming worthy, respect, esteem, regard, dignity, honor, reputation

spectātiō, spectātiōnis flooking, beholding, contemplation, examining, proving, testing, respect, regard, consideration

suspectus, suspectūs mlooking up, looking upwards, height, high regard, high esteem, respect

suspicere, suspiciō, suspexī, suspectumlook up, look upwards, look up at a thing, admire, respect, regard, esteem, honor, mistrust, suspect

verērī, vereor, veritus sumfeel awe of, reverence, revere, respect, fear, be afraid of any thing, await with fear, dread

query 1/E (max. 1000): 34 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adspectāre, adspectō, adspectāvī, adspectātumlook at attentively, ook at with respect, look at with desire, looking back upon (with regret), observe, regard, pay attention to

adspicere, adspiciō, adspexī, adspectumlook to, look upon, behold, look at, see, look toward, lie toward, examine, reflect upon, consider, weigh, ponder, take into consideration, have in view, look upon with respect, look upon with admiration, look one boldly in the face, meet his glance

aliāsat a time other than the present, at other times, on another occasion, at another place, elsewhere, in respect of other things, in other circumstances, otherwise, in another manner

alicuius dignitātem neglegōdeny someone due respect

alicuius dignitātem neglegōnot showing someone the proper respect

aliquā ex partein some respect

aliquem honōre prōsequorpay respect to someone

aliquid nihilī faciorespect something for nothing, regard something as a trifle

alterāsat another time, at other times, on another occasion, always at other times, always in other cases, at another place, elsewhere, in respect of other things, in other circumstances, otherwise, in another manner

aspectāre, aspectō (adspectō), aspectāvī, aspectātumlook at attentively, ook at with respect, look at with desire, looking back upon (with regret), observe, regard, pay attention to

aspicere, aspiciō, aspexī, aspectumlook to, look upon, behold, look at, see, look toward, lie toward, examine, reflect upon, consider, weigh, ponder, take into consideration, have in view, look upon with respect, look upon with admiration, look one boldly in the face, meet his glance

auctōritātem habeōenjoy respect

cēterumthat which relates to the rest, for the rest, in other respects, otherwise, in respect to the rest, else, in the opposite event, besides, but, yet, notwithstanding, still, on the other hand

circā + the region which surrounds, about, around, on the sides of, in the region of, near to, near by, about, in respect to

collaudābilis, collaudābileworthy of praise in every respect

comparāre inter sēagree together in respect to the division of duties, come to an agreement

compōnor ad reverentiamfeign respect, feign high esteem

cōnsenēscere, cōnsenēscō, cōnsenuīgrow old together, grow old, become old, become gray, grow old or gray in an occupation, follow an occupation too long, become weak, become infirm, become powerless, waste away, fall into disuse, decay, fade, lose force, lose consideration, lose respect

convenīre, convenit, convēnitit is agreed upon, there is unanimity in respect to something, the matter is decided

dē + Abl.with respect to, concerning

dignitāte, auctoritāte, existimātiōne, grātiā nōn īnferiornot inferior in dignity, prestige, respect and favor

dignitātem mihi conciliō (parō)gain respect, gain prestige, gain a reputation

syllabicēin respect to syllables, in increasing the number of the syllables

ūllātenusin any respect whatever

ūnō locōin one respect, in one consideration, in one relationship, in one point

venerābilis, venerābileworthy of respect, worthy of reverence, reverend, venerable

verēcundia patrōnālisrespect for the patron


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