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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 3 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
burrus, burra, burrumfiery red, scarlet, red

colōrātus, colōrāta, colōrātumcolored, having color, colored red, red, imbrowned, having a healthy color, specious

cruentus, cruenta, cruentumspotted with blood, covered with blood, stained with blood, bloody, delighting in blood, blood-thirsty, cruel, polluted, bloodred, red

query 1/E (max. 1000): 39 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
aegithus, aegithī msmall bird, titmouse, red linnet

album vīnum rubrō praeferōprefer the white wine to the red

aurōrāre, aurōrōshine fiery red, radiate like the morning red

boa, boae fa large Italian serpent, a water-serpent, so called because it milked cows or because it could swallow an ox, disease producing red pustules, measles or small-po

bova, bovae fa large Italian serpent, a water-serpent, so called because it milked cows or because it could swallow an ox, disease producing red pustules, measles or small-po

burra, burrae fsmall cow with a red mouth or muzzle, shaggy garment

candefacere, candefaciō, candefēcī, candefactummake dazzlingly white, make glowing, make red hot

candēscere, candēscō, canduībecome of a bright, glittering white, begin to glisten, begin to radiate, begin to glow, grow red hot

carbunculōsus, carbunculōsa, carbunculōsumcontaining red toph-stone

carbunculus, carbunculī msmall coal, burning sorrow, devouring sorrow, kind of sandstone, red toph-stone, reddish, bright kind of precious stone, kind of tumor, carbuncle, disease of plants caused by hoar-frost

ceraunius, ceraunia, ceraunium of a red color, , belonging to the lightning, belonging to the thunderstorm

cērula miniātared pencil (for marking errors)

charta rubrared card

carta rūfared card

cisthos, cisthī mshrubby plant with red blossoms

Cohors Exercitūs Rubrī (RAF)Red Army Faction (RAF)

coralium coraliī ncoral, red coral

corallium coralliī n [coralium coraliī n, cūrallium, cūralliī n, cūralium, cūraliī n)coral, red coral

corallum corallī ncoral, red coral

cruentāre, cruentō, cruentāvī, cruentātummake bloody, spot with blood, spot, stain, pollute, dye red, tinge with red

Crux RubraRed Cross

cūralium cūraliī ncoral, red coral

cūrallium cūralliī ncoral, red coral

cūrhālium, cūrhāliī ncoral, red coral

cynorrhoda, cynorrhodae fdog-rose, blossom of the red lily

cynorrhodon, cynorrhodī ndog-rose, blossom of the red lily

cynorroda, cynorrodae fdog-rose, blossom of the red lily

cynorrodon, cynorrodī ndog-rose, blossom of the red lily

internātiōnāle Cōnsilium Rubrae Crucis (ICRC)International Committee of the Red Cross (IKRK)

subrobeus, subrobea, subrobeumsomewhat red, reddish

subrubeus, subrubea, subrubeumsomewhat red, reddish

subrubicundus, subrubicunda, subrubicundumsomewhat red, somewhat ruddy, reddish

utrum māvīs rubrum an candidum ?do you prefer red or white wine?

vēxillum, vēxillī nmilitary ensign, standard, banner, flag, red flag placed on the general’s tent, troops belonging to a vexillum, company, troop

vīnum rubellumred wine

vīnum russumred wine


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