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longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 6 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
accīnctus, accīncta, accīnctumwell girded, ready, strict

caldus, calda, caldumwarm, hot, fiery, rash, eager, spirited, fierce, impassioned, vehement, quick, ready

calidus, calida, calidum (caldus)warm, hot, fiery, rash, eager, spirited, fierce, impassioned, vehement, quick, ready

compositus, composita, compositumwell-arranged, ordered, well-constituted, orderly, regular, fitly disposed for any purpose, prepared, apt, fit, adapted, qualified, suitable, ready, quiet, peaceful, undisturbed, calm, composed, unimpassioned, sedate

situs, sita, situmplaced, set, lying, situated, placed, present, ready, built, founded, laid, buried, interred

succīnctus, succīncta, succīnctumprepared, ready, contracted, short, concise, succinct

query 1/E (max. 1000): 43 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
accīnctiō, accīnctiōnis fgird yourself up, prepare yourself, get ready, arm yourself

accīnctus, accīnctūs mgird yourself up, prepare yourself, get ready, arm yourself

adōrnāre, adōrnō, adōrnāvī, adōrnātumprepare, get ready, furnish, provide, fit out, equip, put an ornament upon one, decorate, adorn, embellish

adparātus, adparāta, adparātumprepared, ready, well supplied, furnished with every thing, magnificent, splendid, sumptuous, too studied, far-felched, labored

adparātus, adparātūs ma preparing, providing, preparation, getting ready, preparation, provision, equipment, apparatus, movables, magnificent preparation, splendor, pomp, magnificence, state

aestimātiō frūmentīthe determination of the prœtor, how much ready money one should pay, instead of the corn which he was to furnish

alterutrī mē fortūnae parōbe prepared for both cases, get ready for both cases

amicīrī, amicior, amictus sumwrap oneself in, put on a robe, put on, prepare oneself, get ready

apparātus, apparāta, apparātumprepared, ready, well supplied, furnished with every thing, magnificent, splendid, sumptuous, too studied, far-felched, labored

apparātus, apparātūs ma preparing, providing, preparation, getting ready, preparation, provision, equipment, apparatus, movables, magnificent preparation, splendor, pomp, magnificence, state

apparāre, apparō (adparō), apparāvī, apparātumprepare, make ready for something

aptāre, aptō, aptāvi, aptātumfit, adapt, accommodate, apply, put on, adjust, prepare, get ready, furnish, put in order

aptus exercitusan army good in fight, ready for battle

arcārius, arcāria, arcāriumpertaining to a money-box, pertaining to ready money, belonging to the cash

archārius, archāria, archāriumpertaining to a money-box, pertaining to ready money, belonging to the cash

arma expediōget ready to fight

armātus semper ac velut in prōcīnctū stōalways stand ready armed, as it were, always be at the ready, as it were, at arms length

bellātor, bellātōris m (πολεμιστής)warlike, ready to fight, martial, valorous

bene praeparātum pectusa heart ready for anything

bibulus, bibula, bibulumdrinking readily, drinking freely, things, that absorbs moisture, growing in moist places, absorbing color, taking color, ready to hear, listening

cāsābundus, cāsābunda, cāsābundumready to fall, tottering

cassābundus, cassābunda, cassābundumready to fall, tottering

cingī, cingor, cīnctus sumbe girded with something, be encircled with something, make one’s self ready for any thing, prepare, getting ready

classem aptōmake the fleet ready to sail

classem armōmake the fleet ready to sail

classem vēlīs aptōmake the fleet ready to sail

comparāre, comparō, comparāvī, comparātumprepare something with zeal, care, make ready, set in order, furnish, provide, procure, get, purchase, obtain, prepare, make, collect, brought one over to one's side, gained one over to one's side

cōnficere, cōnficiō, cōnfēcī, cōnfectummake a thing completely ready, make, prepare, bring about, complete, accomplish, execute, make ready, settle, close a bargain, finish, pass over, traverse, go over, produce, cause, bring about, effect, procure

cūrātus et prānsusready to march, ready to set off

dēvōtus in aliquan remwilling to do something, ready for

suspīciōsus, suspīciōsa, suspīciōsummistrustful, ready to suspect, suspicious, that excites mistrust, that excites suspicion, suspicious

tēlīs cingorget ready, arm themselves

tibi āctūtum chorda tenditurthe string (the rope) is already kept ready for you

tumēre, tumeō, tumuīswell, be swollen, be tumid, be puffed out, be inflated, be excited, be violent, be ready to burst forth, are in a ferment, are unsettled, approaching a crisis, be puffed up, be turgid, be pompous, be bombastic

tumēscere, tumēscō, tumuībegin to swell, swell up, become swollen, become excited, become violent, become ready to burst forth, be puffed up, are fermenting, are threatening to break out

tumidus, tumida, tumidumswollen, swelling, rising high, protuberant, tumid, stuffed with food, excited, incensed, enraged, exasperated, puffed up, elated, haughty, arrogant, restless, violent, ready to break out, swelling with rage, seditious, bombastic, pompous, inflated, turgid, puffing up

vāsa colligōget ready to travel, set off, pack his suitcase, pack his equipment


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