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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 12 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
animadversus, animadversūs mpunishment, penalty, punitive measure, chastisement, sanctioning

castīgātiō, castīgātiōnis fcorrecting, chastising, punishment, correction, reproof, castigation, trimming, lopping of plants, tempering, moderating

cēnsiō, cēnsiōnis festimating, taxing, censor’s estimating, censor’s rating, censor’s appraising, punishment, chastisement (of the censor), severe opinion, judgment, expression of opinion

coercitiō, coercitiōnis frestraining, coercing, coercion, restraint, compulsion, chastisement, punishment, right of coercing, right of punishing

coerctiō, coerctiōnis frestraining, coercing, coercion, restraint, compulsion, chastisement, punishment, right of coercing, right of punishing

coertiō, coertiōnis frestraining, coercing, coercion, restraint, compulsion, chastisement, punishment, right of coercing, right of punishing

supplicium, suppliciī nhumiliation, public prayer, public supplication, act of worship, sacrificing, offering, sacrifice, humble entreaty, humble petition, supplication, punishment, penalty, torture, torment, pain, distress, suffering

ultiō, ultiōnis ftaking vengeance, avenging, revenge, punishment

verberātiō, verberātiōnis fstriking, beating, chastisement, punishment

vindicātiō, vindicātiōnis flaying claim to a thing, civil action for a thing, lawsuit for a thing, taking into protection, protection, defence, vindication, avenging, punishment

vindicta, vindictae fmeans of asserting, means of defending, vindication, protection, defence, vengeance, revenge, punishment

vīsitātiō, vīsitātiōnis fsight, appearance, visitation, punishment

query 1/E (max. 1000): 40 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
alicuī multātus sumbe liable to punishment, be in punishment of someone,

animadversiō, animadversiōnis fperception or observation of an object, consideration, attention, reproach, censure, chastisement, punishment

annotāre, annotō (adnotō), annotāvī, annotātumput a note to something, write down something, note down, remark, comment on, observe, perceive, register an absent person among the accused, designate one, already condemned, for punishment

carnificīna, carnificīnae f (carnuficīna)office of executioner, office of hangman, capital punishment, execution, rack, torture, torment

carnuficīna, carnuficīnae foffice of executioner, office of hangman, capital punishment, execution, rack, torture, torment

castīgābilis, castīgābiledeserving punishment

catēnae, catēnārum fjail, prison, chain punishment, clamp woods

caudex, caudicis mtrunk of a tree, stock, stem, block of wood to which one was bound for punishment, block, dolt, blockhead, block of wood split or sawn into planks, leaves or tablets and fastened together, book, writin, accountbook, ledger, code of laws

cēnsiōnem faciōimpose a censorial punishment, inflict a censorial punishment

certātiō multaepublic discussion concerning a punishment to be inflicted

cōdex, cōdicis mtrunk of a tree, stock, stem, block of wood to which one was bound for punishment, block, dolt, blockhead, block of wood split or sawn into planks, leaves or tablets and fastened together, book, writin, accountbook, ledger, code of laws

committere, committō, commīsī, commissumgive occasion that, give cause that, act so as that, bring punishment upon one’s self by an error or fault, incur, make one’s self liable to it

condigna crīminī ultiōa punishment exactly corresponding to the crime

damnāre, damnō, damnāvī, damnātumoccasion loss to, occasion damage to, harm, damage, condemn, doom, sentence one to any punishment, oblige one’s heir by last will and testament to the performance of any act

decimātiō, decimātiōnis fthe taking of a tenth, a tithing, a selecting by lot of every tenth man for punishment, decimation, a tenth

decimāre, decimō, decimāvī, decimātumselect by lot every tenth man for punishment, decimate, cause to pay tithes, collect tithes from someone, select the tenth part as an offering, pay tithes of anything

decumāre, decumō, decumāvī, decumātumselect by lot every tenth man for punishment, decimate, cause to pay tithes, collect tithes from someone, select the tenth part as an offering, pay tithes of anything

decumāre, decumō, decumāvī, decumātumselect by lot every tenth man for punishment, decimate, cause to pay tithes, collect tithes from someone, select the tenth part as an offering, pay tithes of anything

dēfēnsiō, dēfēnsiōnis fa defending, defense, a written defence, speech, legal maintenance of a right, legal prosecution, punishment of a crime

dēprecātiō deōruminvoking of the gods to send punishment on the perjurer

dēprēnsa, dēprēnsae fa species of military punishment between castigatio and ignominia

suppliciō aliquem coerceōbe sent to punishment

tāliō, tāliōnis fpunishment similar and equal to the injury sustained

timor poenaefear of punishment

veniam dōexempt from punishment

veniam dōpardon the punishment

verberibus in aliquem animadvertōbeat up as punishment, spank as punishment

vincula, vinculōrum nchain punishment, chain penalty


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