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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 13 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
approbātiō, approbātiōnis fapproving, allowing, assenting to, approbation, acquiescence, reception, proof, confirmation

arguitiō, arguitiōnis fproof, evidence, demonstration

arguitiō, arguitiōnis fproof, evidence, demonstration

argūmentum, argūmentī nthe means by which an assertion or assumption may be made clear, proved, argument, evidence, proof, the sign by which any thing is known, mark

argutiō, argutiōnis fproof, evidence, demonstration

convictiō, convictiōnis fdemonstration, proof

spectāmen, spectāminis nmark, sign, proof, sight, scene, spectacle

temptātiō, temptātiōnis fattack, trial, proof, emptation

tentātiō, tentātiōnis fattack, trial, proof, emptation

tēstāmen, tēstāminis nevidence, proof, testimony

tēstificātiō, tēstificātiōnis fbearing witness, giving testimony, testifying, testification, giving evidence, attestation, proof

testimōnium, testimōniī nwitness, evidence, attestation, testimony, that which serves as proof, proof, evidence

verificātiō, verificātiōnis fevidence, verification, proof

query 1/E (max. 1000): 44 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adstrūctiō, adstrūctiōnis faccumulation of proof, putting together, composition

adstrūctor, adstrūctōris mone who adduces proof

allēgātiō, allēgātiōnis fsending to any one, despatching to any one, alleging by way of proof, adducing by way of proof, excuse, imperial rescript

apodīxis, apodīxis f (Akk.Sgl. apodīxin)conclusive proof, demonstration

argūmenta afferōproduce evidence, provide proof, cite evidence

argūmentālis, argūmentālecontaining proof

argūmentāliterby way of proof

argūmentātiō, argūmentātiōnis fadducing of proof, argumentation, the proof itself

argūmentātor, argūmentātōris mhe that adduces proof, arguer

argūmentātrīx, argūmentātrīcis fshe that adduces proof, female arguer

argūmentīs probōbear the proof, bear the evidence

argūmentō est, quod...proof of this is that, , ,

argūmentārī, argūmentor, argūmentātus sumadduce proof of a thing, prove, adduce something as proof, make a conclusion, conclude

argūmentōrum mōmentadecisive grounds for proof

argūmentōsus, argūmentōsa, argūmentōsumrich in proof, rich in matter, rich in material

argūmentum cōnfūtōrefute a proof, disprove a statement

argūmentum dūcō ex aliquā rēgain a proof from something

argūmentum māgnumfundamental proof

argūmentum petō ab aliquā rēderive a proof from something

argūmentum premōstand firm on a proof

argūmentum refellōdisprove a statement, refute a proof

argūmentum sūmō ex aliquā rēget proof from where

argūmentuōsus, argūmentuōsa, argūmentuōsumrich in proof, rich in matter, rich in material

astrūctiō, astrūctiōnis faccumulation of proof, putting together, composition

astrūctor, astrūctōris mone who adduces proof

cōnsignātiō, cōnsignātiōnis fa written proof, document

contēstātiō, contēstātiōnis fan attesting, proving by witness, testimony, attestation, conclusive proof, an earnest entreaty

temptāmentum, temptāmentī ntrial, proof essay, attempt

tenptāmentum, tenptāmentī ntrial, proof essay, attempt

tentamentum, tentamenti ntrial, proof essay, attempt

trabālī clāvō fīgōmake rivet and nail proof


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