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longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

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Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 9 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
aciēs, aciēī fsheen, brightness, acuteness of the mind, sharpness, force, power, verbal contest, disputation, discussion, debate

arbitrium, arbitriī ncoming near, a being present, presence, judgment, decision of an arbitrator, opinion, decision, mastery, dominion, authority, power, will, free-will

arctus, arctūs mjoint, strength, power, limbs, each limb

artus, artūs m (ἄρθρον)joint, muscular strength in the joints, strength, power, limbs

auctōritās, auctōritātis fproducing, production, invention, cause, view, opinion, judgment, counsel, advice, persuasion, encouragement, influence, will, pleasure, decision, bidding, command, precept, decree, liberty, ability, power, authority, might, power

auspicium, auspiciī ndivination by observing the flight of birds, augury from birds, auspices, right, power, inclination, will, sign, omen, divine premonition, divine token, beginning

authōritās, authōritātis fproducing, production, invention, cause, view, opinion, judgment, counsel, advice, persuasion, encouragement, influence, will, pleasure, decision, bidding, command, precept, decree, liberty, ability, power, authority, might, power

diciō, diciōnis fdominion, sovereignty, authority, rule, sway, power

vīs, vim, vī, vīrēs, vīrium fforce, vigor, power, energy, virtue, potency, violence, quantity, number, abundance, mental strength, notion, meaning, sense, import, nature, essence, signification

query 1/E (max. 1000): 92 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
abigeātor, abigeātōris mplant which has the power of producing abortion, ground-pine

accipiendō rēgnō adventōrush to take the king's power

adpetītus, adpetītūs monset, attack, assault, passionate longing for something, eager desire for something, power of desire, faculty of desire, passions, appetites

adstrictiō, adstrictiōnis fpower of contracting, astringency, act of sharpening

aequivalēns, aequivalentishaving equal power, being equivalent

aequivalēre, aequivaleō, aequivaluīhave equal power, be equivalent

affectiō imperiīStriving for power

agathodaemōn, agathodaemonis m (Akk. Plur. agathodaemonas)kind of serpent in Egypt to which healing power was ascribed

aiuga, aiugae fa plant which has the power of producing abortion, ground-pine

alicuius vītae necisque dominus sumdispose of someone's life, have power over one's life

aliēnārī, aliēnot, aliēnātus sumfall under a foreign power

altipotēns, altipotentisof high power, very mighty

ambitiō, ambitiōnis fexcessive desire to please, flattery, adulation, ostentatious manner, desire for honor, desire for popularity, desire for power, desire for display, ambition, vanity, that which surrounds, wrapping of cowhide,

ambulātus, ambulātūs mwalking, power to walk

anacampserōs, anacampserōtis fan herb, the touch of which was said to have the power of bringing back lost love

aneclogistus, aneclogista, aneclogistumguardian who was not obliged to give account of his proceedings, but had discretionary power

animus, animī m (cf. ἄνεμος)disposition toward any one, friendly feeling, affection, kindness, liberality, power of willing, will, inclination, desire, purpose, design, intention

animus, animī m (cf. ἄνεμος)power of feeling, sensibility, heart, disposition, soul, spirit, feeling, inclination, affection, passion, character, courage, haughtiness, arrogance, pride, vehemence, wrath, moderation, patience, calmness, contentedness, pleasure, delight

appetītus, appetītūs monset, attack, assault, passionate longing for something, eager desire for something, power of desire, faculty of desire, passions, appetites

aquilae senectūssprightly old age, eternally young eagle power

armipotentia, armipotentiae fpower in arms, valor

astrictiō, astrictiōnis fpower of contracting, astringency, act of sharpening

astroītes, astroītae munknown precious stone of magical power

auctōritās amissaloss of significance, loss of reputation, loss of power

auctōritātem alicuī addōgive someone additional power

aula, aulae ffront court of a Grecian house, inner court of a house (= atrium), hall, palace, castle of a noble, royal court, cell of the queen-bee, princely power, princely dignity, persons belonging to the court, court, courtiers

auxilia, auxiliōrum nauxiliary troops, auxiliaries, military force, military power

calefactōrius, calefactōria, calefactōriumhaving a warming power, having a heating power

captus, captūs mtaking, seizing, that which is taken, that which is grasped, draught, power of comprehension, capacity, notion, physical power

castrāre, castrō, castrāvī, castrātumdeprive of generative power, emasculate, castrate, geld, pass through a sack or bag, filter, shorten, cut off, curtail, enervate, debilitate, weaken, diminish, check, restrain

cēdō alicuī rēgnumhand over power to someone, cede power to someone

cīvitās in orbe praevalēnsworld power

cīvitās potentiorgreat power

coaequāre, coaequō, coaequāvī, coaequātummake one thing equal with another, make one thing even with another, even, level, make equal in worth, make equal in dignity, make equal in power, bring to the same level, place on the same footing, equalize

cōgitātiō, cōgitātiōnis fthinking, considering, deliberating, thought, reflection, meditation, opinion, judgment, resolution, design, plan, project, ability of thinking, power of thought, faculty of thought, reasoning power

compos, compotis (+ Gen. / + Abl.)having the mastery, having the control, having the power over a thing, master of, partaking of, possessing, participating in, sharing in, guilty of, sharing in, participating in, confederate in

compotēns, compotentishaving power with one

comprehēnsiō, comprehēnsiōnis fa seizing or laying hold of with the hands, hostile seizure, arresting, catching, apprehending, a mental comprehending, perceiving, comprehension, perception, idea, power to unite and grasp as a whole things which belong together, expression, style, period

comprēnsiō, comprēnsiōnis fa seizing or laying hold of with the hands, hostile seizure, arresting, catching, apprehending, a mental comprehending, perceiving, comprehension, perception, idea, power to unite and grasp as a whole things which belong together, expression, style, period

compulsus ā populō rēgnum suscēpītforced by the people he took over the power

concēdere, concēdō, concessī, concessumgo, walk, go away, walk away, depart, retire, withdraw, remove from, pass away, disappear, vanish, depart from life, die, go out of the way for one, yield to, submit, give way to, adapt one’s self to, yield to power, submit to compulsion

concutere, concutiō, concussī, concussumstrike one upon another, strike together, shake violently, shake, agitate, examine by shaking one’s self, search, shake the power of, shake to its foundation, shatter, cause to waver

cōnscientiā vīriumin the elation of power

cōnspectus, cōnspectūs ma seeing, looking at, look, sight, view, range of sight, reach of sight, power of seeing, public attention, notice, presence, proximity, appearance, mental view, glance, survey, consideration, short view, sketch, synopsis

cōpia nāvālissea power, naval power

cōpia, cōpiae fabundant power, wealth, riches, abundance, resources, wealth, supplies, riches, prosperity, fulness, copiousness, multitude, number, access to a person

cōpiae marīnaenavy, marine, naval forces, sea power

cōpiam alicuius habeōhave someone in one's power, have someone under one's control,

cruor, cruōris mblood (which flows from a wound), stream of blood, vital power, bloodshed, murder, blood in the body

cum imperiō sumhave the supreme command, lead the supreme command, have unlimited power

cum summō imperiō et potestāte sumbe the holder of supreme military and civil power

cupiditās, cupiditātis fdesire, wish, longing, lust, passion, cupidity, the object of desire, avarice, cupidity, covetousness, passion of love, greediness of gain in trade, usury, overreaching, fraud, lust of power, ambition, an undue partiality, spirit of part

dearmāre, dearmō, dearmāvī, dearmātumdisarm, deprive of power, blunt

dēfectus ēlectricitātis power failure, power cut, blackout

dēns, dentis mtooth, point, spike, prong, tine, fluke, tooth of envy, envy, ill-will, destroying power

dīmicātiō potestātispower struggle

gubernāculīs assideōbe at the levers of power, be at the helm, be in government, be in power, exercise power, hold power

rērum adipīscorattain dominion, come to power

sēnsus, sēnsūs mfaculty of perceiving, power of perceiving, perception, feeling, sensation, sense

spadō, spadōnis m (σπάδων)one who has no generative power, ßimpotent person, castrated person, eunuch, unfruitful plants, seedless plants

stypsis, stypsis f contracting power, astringency

supervalēscere, supervalēscōgrow in power

tenēre, teneō, tenuī, tentumhold, keep, have in the hand, have in the mouth, seize, grasp, comprehend, be master of, have in one’s power, possess, contain in the mind, conceive, comprehend, know

tōtīs vīribuswith all force, with all power, with all strength

trānsitus rērumChange of power, Change of Government

tyrannidem occupōtake possession of the sole reign, seize the autocracy, seize the autocratic power

vegetāmen, vegetāminis nanimating power, vitality, vivifying principle

vīrēs in impetum valentēspower in attack, power of impact

vīrēs invictaehero strength, hero power

vīripotēns, vīripotentismighty in power, mighty, powerful

virtūs summaheroic power, heroic virtue

virtūtem exhibeōprove his valor, prove his prowess, prove his virtue, prove his power, prove his strength, prove his might, prove his worth

vīs affectōriaeffective power, effectiveness

vīs animīsoul power

vīs aurea de humano corpore cessit in amnemthe gold power transferred from the human body to the river

vīs dīcendīspeech power

vīs māioreconomic power, economic strength

vīs remediālishealing power, healing effect

vīsuālia, ium npower of vision

vīsuālitās, vīsuālitātis fpower of seeing, faculty of sight, vision

vītae necisque potestātem habeōhave power over life and death

volātus, volātūs mflying, flight, power of flight, rapid course, swiftness, velocity

volūtus, volūtūs mrolling, power of rolling, power of twisting, power of turning about


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