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Suchergebnis zu
"natural science":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

query 1/E (max. 1000): 52 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
aetātem in litterīs agōevote his life to science, dedicate his life to science

aetātem in litterīs dūcōevote his life to science, dedicate his life to science

annōna, annōnae fyearly produce, annual income of natural products, means of subsistence, grain, corn, price of grain or other food, prices, market, dearness, market-price, dear rate, loaves of bread, rations, goddess of the yearly produce

anthrax, anthracis mnatural cinnabar,virulent ulcer

antipathīa, antipathīae f (Akk. Sgl. antipathīān)natural aversion of two things to each other, antipathy

appetītiō et dēclīnātiō nātūrālisnatural inclination and aversion

arcifīnālis, arcifīnālewith natural border

arcifīnius, arcifīnia, arcifīniumwith natural border

arithmētica, arithmēticae farithmetic, science of numbers

arithmētica, arithmēticōrum narithmetic, science of numbers

arithmēticē, arithmēticēs farithmetic, science of numbers

ars infōrmāticacomputer science, information technology

ars, artis fskill, handicraft, trade, occupation, employment, physical activity, mental activity, profession, art, science, knowledge, workmanship, Muses, conduct, manner of acting, habit, practice, cunning, artifice, fraud, stratagem

artibus studēreengage in science

artis sevērae hāmō effectūswant to study science thoroughly

artium (līberālium) studiumengaging with art and science

artium līberālium cultorhumanist, , art lover and science buff

artium līberālium studiumhumanism, love of art and science

bonitās nātūraehappy natural layout

catīnum, catīnī ndeep vessel for serving up or cooking food, bowl, dish, pot, crucible, censer, air-vessel in a hydraulic instrument, a (natural) hollow in a rock

catīnus, catīnī m (κάτυλος)deep vessel for serving up or cooking food, bowl, dish, pot, crucible, censer, air-vessel in a hydraulic instrument, a (natural) hollow in a rock

clīnicē, clīnicēs f (Akk. Sgl. clīnicēn)science of clinical medicine, practice at the sick-bed

cōgnātiō, cōgnātiōnis fblood relationship, kindred, connection by birth, relations, persons, allied by descent, relationship, association, intimate connection, natural connection, agreement, kindred, resemblance, affinity

colligātiōne nātūrālī omnia fīunteverything happens in a natural concatenation (of circumstances)

commentīcia scientia futūrōrumscience fiction

cōnscientiā aliquem obstringōassure someone's fidelity through co-science, secure someone's fidelity through fellow science

cōnsequentia, cōnsequentiae fconsequence, natural succession

dēbitum nātūrae reddōdie a natural death

dēcolor, dēcolōrisdeprived of it’s natural color, discolored, defaced, faded, depraved, degenerate

dēcolōrāre, dēcolōrō, dēcolōrāvi, dēcolōrātumdeprive of its natural color, discolor, stain, deface, soil, tarnish, corrupt, disgrace

dēcolōrus, dēcolōra, dēcolōrumdeprived of it’s natural color, discolored, defaced, faded, depraved, degenerate

diatonum, diatonī nnatural or diatonic series of notes without breaks or intervals, diatonic scale

diēs, diēī mday, civil day, a set day, appointed time, term, natural day, birthday, dying-day, space of time, period, daylight, sky, heavens, weather, air

lapis vīvusunprocessed stone, natural stone

nātūrālis diēsnatural day

scientia cīvīlispolitics, political science

scientia, scientiae fa knowing in any thing, being skilled in any thing, knowledge, science, skill, expertness

sphaerica, sphaericae fspherics, science of heavenly motions

stalagmiās, stalagmiae m (Akk. Sgl. stalagmiān)a natural vitriol

tempus in litterīs cōnsūmereSpend time on science

tonus, tonī mstretching of a rope, straining of a rope, sound, tone, accent, natural color of an object, thunder

trānslātiō verēcundanot an exaggerated translation, a natural translation

trucilāre, trucilōNatural sound of the thrush

utpoteas is natural, naturally, as namely, namely, as being, as, seeing that, inasmuch as, since

vēna, vēnae fblood-vessel, vein, artery, water-course, vein of metals, urinary passage, streak of wood, row of trees, strength, the interior nature, the innate quality, the innermost feelings, pulse, a person’s natural bent, genius, disposition

verēcundia, verēcundiae fnatural feeling of shame, shamefacedness, bashfulness, shyness, coyness, modesty, over-shyness, bashfulness, sheepishness, timidity, shame, disgrace

vēritātem imitorbe natural, be true to nature, be true to life, be lifelike

vernāculus, vernācula, vernāculumbelonging to homeborn slaves, native, domestic, indigenous, vernacular, natural, common,

videndum est, quō sua quemque nātūra māximē ferre videāturone must pay attention to the natural inclination of the individual

vīvācitās, vīvācitātis fnatural vigor, vital force, tenaciousness of life, length of life, vivaciousness, liveliness, vivacity

vīvus, vīva, vīvumalive, living, that has life, natural, unwrought

zinzilulāre, zinzilulōthe natural cry of certain birds, chirp


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