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Suchergebnis zu
"mental preparation":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Deut. Fund; Engl. Fund;

query 1/2D (max. 100): 2 Ergebnis(se)
 Wortsuche im lateinisch - deutschen Georges bei Zeno.orgmentalintellēctuālis, intellēctuāleintellectualis, intellectualeWort- und Formsuche bei Van der GuchtWortsuche bei
 Wortsuche im lateinisch - deutschen Georges bei Zeno.orgmentalmentālis, mentālementalis, mentaleWort- und Formsuche bei Van der GuchtWortsuche bei

query 1/E (max. 1000): 47 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adparātiō, adparātiōnis fpreparing, preparation, preparation

adparātōrium, adparātōriī npreparation house, armoury, mortuary

adparātus, adparātūs ma preparing, providing, preparation, getting ready, preparation, provision, equipment, apparatus, movables, magnificent preparation, splendor, pomp, magnificence, state

adversiō animīfocusing attention on something, , orientation of mental activity towards something

animaequitās, animaequitātis fserenity, calmness of mind, equanimity, inner peace, peace of mind, mental balance, restraint, composure, self-control, patience

animī corporisque vīrēsphysical and mental strength

animī ingeniīque cultusmental development

animī multārum rērum brevī tempore percursiōmental passage of many things in a short time

animōspiritual, mental

animō dēlectorfind spiritual pleasure, find mental pleasure

animō parum valeōbe somewhat weak-minded, not to be quite able to think, not to be in full possession of one's mental powers

animo, nōn sēnsibus comprehēnsusideal, virtual, only mental, only mentally grasped, not grasped with the senses,

animōs temptō (tentō)seek to explore the mood, seek to explore the mental state

apparāmentum, apparāmentī npreparing, preparation, that which is prepared

apparātiō, apparātiōnis fpreparing, preparation, preparation

apparātōrium, apparātōriī npreparation house, armoury, mortuary

apparātus, apparātūs ma preparing, providing, preparation, getting ready, preparation, provision, equipment, apparatus, movables, magnificent preparation, splendor, pomp, magnificence, state

appāritōrium, appāritōriī npreparation house, armoury, mortuary

ars, artis fskill, handicraft, trade, occupation, employment, physical activity, mental activity, profession, art, science, knowledge, workmanship, Muses, conduct, manner of acting, habit, practice, cunning, artifice, fraud, stratagem

aspalathus, aspalathī ma thorny shrub, whose bark and roots yielded a fragrant oil, which was used in the preparation of spiced wine, rosewood

attentiō animīmental attention, mental alertness

barbaria, barbariae f (barbariēs)foreign country, mental barbarism, moral barbarism, rudeness, rusticity, stupidity, savageness, barbarousness, uncivilized manners

barbariēs, barbariēī fforeign country, mental barbarism, moral barbarism, rudeness, rusticity, stupidity, savageness, barbarousness, uncivilized manners

caecitās mentisdelusion, mental blindness

cālīgō, cālīginis fthick atmosphere, mist, vapor, fog, darkness, obscurity, gloom, mental blindness, dulness of perception, calamity, affliction, dim-sightedness, weakness of the eyes

callīgo, cāllīginis fthick atmosphere, mist, vapor, fog, darkness, obscurity, gloom, mental blindness, dulness of perception, calamity, affliction, dim-sightedness, weakness of the eyes

celeritās animīmental alertness, intellectual activity

chorāgium, chorāgiī n (χοράγιον)the place where the chorus was trained and practised, the preparing and bringing out of a chorus, any other splendid preparation or equipment, means of acquiring, a spring

commentātiō mortispreparation for death

commentātiō, commentātiōnis fdiligent meditation upon something, studying, careful preparation, a learned work, treatise, dissertation, description

commōtiō animīemotion, mental excitement, mental excitation, mental arousal, excitement of mind

comparātiō, comparātiōnis fpreparing, providing for, preparation, procuring, gaining, acquiring, purchasing, purchase

comprehēnsiō, comprehēnsiōnis fa seizing or laying hold of with the hands, hostile seizure, arresting, catching, apprehending, a mental comprehending, perceiving, comprehension, perception, idea, power to unite and grasp as a whole things which belong together, expression, style, period

comprēnsiō, comprēnsiōnis fa seizing or laying hold of with the hands, hostile seizure, arresting, catching, apprehending, a mental comprehending, perceiving, comprehension, perception, idea, power to unite and grasp as a whole things which belong together, expression, style, period

cōnspectus, cōnspectūs ma seeing, looking at, look, sight, view, range of sight, reach of sight, power of seeing, public attention, notice, presence, proximity, appearance, mental view, glance, survey, consideration, short view, sketch, synopsis

crocōtārius, crocōtāria, crocōtāriumbelonging to the preparation of saffron-colored garments

mala valētūdō animīmental Illness, insanity

mentis turbellaemental disorder, mental disturbance, mental derangement

strātiō, strātiōnis flaying of cloths and coverings, the preparation of a room for a feast

subāctiō, subāctiōnis fworking through, working up, preparing, preparation, discipline

subitēsuddenly, unexpectedly, without preparation, extempore

subitōsuddenly, unexpectedly, without preparation, extempore

tōtum et animō et corpore in salūtem reī pūblicae mē cōnferōput all its mental and physical powers at the service of the public good

valētūdō mentismental weakness, weakness of mind

valētūdō, valētūdinis fsanity, unsound state of mind, mental infirmity

vīs, vim, vī, vīrēs, vīrium fforce, vigor, power, energy, virtue, potency, violence, quantity, number, abundance, mental strength, notion, meaning, sense, import, nature, essence, signification

volūtātiō animīmental restlessness, mental unrest


Wortform von: mental

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