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Suchergebnis zu
"manure pile":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

query 1/E (max. 1000): 39 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
acervāre, acervō, acervāvī, acervātumform a heap, heap up, pile up, amass, accumulate, multiply

acervus fērālispyre, pile, stake

admōlīrī, admōlior, admōlītus summove one thing to another, move one thing upon another, bring one thing to another, bring one thing upon another, pile up, exert one’s self to reach a place, strive toward a place, struggle toward a place

adtumulāre, adtumulō, adtumulātumpile up, pour over, heap, overflow

agger niveussnow pile

agger, aggeris mle, dike of earth, heap of arms, pile of arms, mound, mountains, funeral pile of wood, heap of ashes, high wave of the sea, rampart, embankment, viaduct, mole, trench, causeway, road, materials for mole, materials for rampart, pier, battery, barricade

aggerāre, aggerō (adgerō), aggerāvī, aggerātumform an agger, heap up like an agger, heap up, pile up, fill, fill up

aggregātiō, aggregātiōnis faggregation, pile up

āra sepulcrīfuneral pile

āra, ārae faltar, protection, refuge, shelter, funeral pile, constellation in the southern sky, monument of stone

āridum līgnum compōnōpile up dry wood

armōrum cumulōs coacervōpile up mountains of arms

attumulāre, attumulō, attumulātumpile up, pour over, heap, overflow

augeō, addō, accumulōpile up, form heaps

bustuārius, bustuāria, bustuāriumpertaining to the place where dead bodies were burned, that fought at a funeral pile in honor of the dead, upon which men were offered

caelō aliquid aequōpile something sky-high

circumcumulāre, circumcumulōheap up around, pile up around

congeriēs, congeriēī fthat which is brought together, heap, pile, mass, chaos, heap of wood, wood-pile, funeral-pile

congestiō, congestiōnis fa bringing together, a heaping up, accumulation, that which is heaped up, heap, mass, pile

congestus, congestūs mbearing together, bringing together, accumulation, heap, pile, mass

coniectus, coniectūs mthrowing together, crowding, connecting together, uniting together, conflux, concourse, confluence, heap, crowd, pile, throwing, throwing down, casting, projecting, hurling, turning, directing

cōnstruere, cōnstruō, cōnstrūxī, cōnstrūctumheap, bring together, gather together, heap up, pile up, make by piling up, make, fabricate, construct, build

convāsāre, convāsō, convāsāvī, convāsātumpack vessels together, pack implements together, pack up, pile up

cumulāre, cumulō, cumulāvi, cumulātumform into a heap, accumulate, heap up, pile up, augment by heaping up, increase, heap, amass, make full by heaping up, fill full, fill, overload, overwhelm, made complete, made perfect, complete

cumulus, cumulī mheap, pile, a mass piled up, a heap added to an accumulated mass or to a full measure

dē stipulīs māgnus acervus eritfrom individual stalks finally becomes a pile

stercorāre, stercorō, stercorāvī, stercorātumdung, manure with dung, muck, cleanse from dung

strātūra, strātūrae fpaving, pavement, layer of manure

strūctus, strūctūs mheap, pile

struēs, struis fheap, pile, heap of little offering-cakes, funeral pile, pyre

struīx, struīcis fheap, pile

struere, struō, strūxī, strūctumplace by or upon each other, pile up, arrange, make by joining together, build, erect, fabricate, make, form, construct, join together, compound, compose, prepare, cause, occasion, devise, contrive, instigate

sublica, sublicae fstake driven into the ground, pile driven into the ground, palisade, pile for a bridge

succerda, succerdae fdung of swine, pig excrements, pig manure

sucerda, sucerdae fdung of swine, pig excrements, pig manure

sudis, sudis fstake, pile, kind of pike

superacervāre, superacervōheap on, pile up

superacervāre, superacervōheap on, pile up

turmae stīpātrīcessatellite cluster, satellite pile


Wortform von: manure
[61] Vok. Sgl. m. PFA von manūmittere, manūmittō, manūmīsī, manūmissum
entlasse aus meiner Gewalt; schenke die Freiheit; gebe frei; lasse frei;

3. Belegstellen für "manure pile"

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