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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

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Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
alytarcha, alytarchae mmagistrate who superintended religious exhibitions

alytarchēs, alytarchae mmagistrate who superintended religious exhibitions

archōn, archontis mruler, archon, the highest magistrate at Athens after the abrogation of royal authority,

conciō, conciōnis fmeeting, assembly that is called together by a magistrate or priest, discourse, oration before a public assembly, place for speaking, tribune, rostrum

cōnsul, cōnsulis mconsul, proconsul, the highest magistrate in other states, governor, head

cōntiō, cōntiōnis fmeeting, assembly that is called together by a magistrate or priest, discourse, oration before a public assembly, place for speaking, tribune, rostrum

dāmiūrgus, dāmiūrgī mchief magistrate in some of the Grecian states, title of a comedy of Turpilius, Maker of the world

dēcessiō, dēcessiōnis fa going away, departure, withdrawal, retirement of a magistrate, decrease, diminution, abatement, entire disappearance, transition of words, transferring of words

dēcessiō, dēcessiōnis fretirement of a magistrate from the province he has governed

decessus, decessūs ma going away, departure, withdrawal, retirement of a magistrate from the province, decrease, disappearance

dēmiūrgus, dēmiūrgī mchief magistrate in some of the Grecian states, title of a comedy of Turpilius, Maker of the world

dibaphus, dibaphī fpurple staterobe of a high magistrate

dictātor, dictātōris mchief magistrate elected by the Romans in seasons of emergency for six months, one who dictates

diplōma, diplōmatis n (δίπλωμα)letter folded double, astate letter of recommendation, document drawn up by a magistrate

diplōmārium, diplōmāriī nletter folded double, astate letter of recommendation, document drawn up by a magistrate

sūfes, sūfetis mchief magistrate of the Carthaginians, sufet

suffes, suffetis mchief magistrate of the Carthaginians, sufet

vectīgal, vectīgālis ntoll, tax, impost paid to the State, honorarium or contribution paid to a magistrate, private revenue, rents, income of private affairs

vergobretus, vergobretī mtitle of the chief magistrate among the Ædui

viātor, viātōris mwayfarer, traveller, summoner, apparitor, officer who summons persons before the magistrate

virgobretus, virgobretī mtitle of the chief magistrate among the Ædui


Wortform von: magistrate
[21] Imp. 2.Pl. Prs. Akt. von magistrāre, magistrō
= magisterāre, magisterō - verwalte das Amt eines Vorgesetzten; = magisterāre, magisterō - erfülle eine Führungsfunktion;

3. Belegstellen für "magistrate"

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