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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 20 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adtermināre, adterminōset bounds to, measure, limit

arctāre, arctō, arctāvī, arctātumdraw close together, press close together, compress, contract, straiten, limit, curtail, finish, conclude

artāre, artō, artāvī, artātumdraw close together, press close together, compress, contract, straiten, limit, curtail, finish, conclude

attermināre, atterminōset bounds to, measure, limit

cacūmen, cacūminis nextreme end, extremity, point of a thing, peak, top, utmost point, summit, end, limit, height of perfection, mark of accent placed over a letter

circumscrībere, circumscrībō, circumscrīpsi, circumscrīptumdraw a line around, circumscribe, enclose in a circle, draw a line as the circumference of a thing, define, encompass, enclose, limit, bound, contract, hem in, hinder free action, restrain, confine

circumscrīptiō, circumscrīptiōnis fencircling, circle, boundary, limit, outline, contour, circuit, compass, period (verborum), compendious statement, summing up, the limitation of a question by the removal of a circumstance in dispute

coangustāre, coangustō, coangustāvī, coangustātumbring into a narrow compass, confine, compress, contract, enclose, hem in, invest, besiege, limit, restrict, afflict

coercēre, coerceō, coercuī, coercitumenclose, hold together, surround, encompass, restrain, confine, shut in, hold in confinement, repress, trim, clip, keep within limits, control, limit, hold some fault, hold some passion, curb, tame, correct

cohercēre, coherceō, cohercuī, cohercitumenclose, hold together, surround, encompass, restrain, confine, shut in, hold in confinement, repress, trim, clip, keep within limits, control, limit, hold some fault, hold some passion, curb, tame, correct

cohibēre, cohibeō, cohibuī, cohibitumhold together, hold, contain, confine, embrace, comprise, keep, keep back, hinder, stay, restrain, stop, stop something, hold in check, limit, repress, tame, subdue, keep something from something, ward off

coibēre, coibeōhold together, hold, contain, confine, embrace, comprise, keep, keep back, hinder, stay, restrain, stop, stop something, hold in check, limit, repress, tame, subdue, keep something from something, ward off

cōnfīnium, cōnfīniī na confine, common boundary, limit, border, neighborhood, nearness, close connection, confines, boundaries

continēre, contineō, continuī, contentumhold together, keep together, bound, limit, enclose, keep, hold fast, preserve, retain, keep still, detain, restrain, repress, hold back, hold in check, curb, check, stay, stop, tame, subdue, comprise, contain, involve, comprehend something in itself

dēfīnīre, dēfīniō, dēfīnīvī (dēfīniī), dēfīnītumbound, set bounds to, limit, terminate, define, designate by limiting, limit, define, determine, explain, limit within certain bounds, restrict, confine, terminate, finish

dētermināre, dēterminō, dētermināvī, dēterminātumenclose within boundaries, bound, limit, prescribe, determine, fix, settle, determine

diffīnīre, diffīniō, diffīnīvī (diffīniī), diffīnītumbound, set bounds to, limit, terminate, define, designate by limiting, limit, determine, explain, limit within certain bounds, restrict, confine, finish

termināre, terminō, termināvi, terminātumset bounds to, mark off by boundaries, bound, limit, set limits to, circumscribe, fix, define, determine, close, finish, end, terminate

terminus, terminī mboundary-line, boundary, bound, limit, end, term

termō, termōnis mboundary-line, boundary, bound, limit, end, term

query 1/E (max. 1000): 30 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
ad certam fōrmulam astringōlimit to a certain level, restrict to a certain extent

admodumto the measure, to the limit, to a great measure, in a high degree, much, very, to a full measure, fully, completely, wholly, quite, absolutely, about, near, nearly, just, at all, exactly, just so, quite so, certainly, yes, certainly

avāritiam castrōrestrain greed, limit the greed

calcis, calcis fa small stone used in gaming, counter, limestone, lime, goal, end in the race-course, limit in the race-course, end, conclusion

calx, calcis fa small stone used in gaming, counter, limestone, lime, goal, end in the race-course, limit in the race-course, end, conclusion

capessere, capessō, capessīvī, capessiī, capessītumseize, take eagerly, catch at eagerly, snatch at, lay hold of, strive to reach a place or limit, betake one’s self to, go to, repair or resort to, take hold of any thing with zeal, take upon one’s self

capissere, capissōseize, take eagerly, catch at eagerly, snatch at, lay hold of, strive to reach a place or limit, betake one’s self to, go to, repair or resort to, take hold of any thing with zeal, take upon one’s self

circumtermināre, circumterminōbound round about, limit round about

contrōversiās minuōlimit oneself to the actual point of contention

tempus fīnītumtime limit, deadline


Wortform von: limit
[21] 3. Sgl. Ind. Prs. Akt. von līmīre, līmio, līmītus
= līmāre, līmō, līmāvi, līmātum - feile, glätte;

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