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Suchergebnis zu
"lie beside":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

query 1/E (max. 1000): 63 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
accubitāre, accubitōlie near a thing, lie by a thing, recline at table, lie with

accubāre, accubō (adcubō)lie near a thing, lie by a thing, recline at table, lie with

accumbere, accumbō, accubuī, accubitumlay one’s self down at a place, lie somewhere, recline at table

adcubāre, adcubōlie near a thing, lie by a thing, recline at table, lie with

adiacēre, adiaceō, adiacuīlie at, lie near, be contiguous to, border upon

admentīrī, admentiorlie, invent, pretend, think up

admovērī, admoveor, admōtus sumlie near, be situated near

adspicere, adspiciō, adspexī, adspectumlook to, look upon, behold, look at, see, look toward, lie toward, examine, reflect upon, consider, weigh, ponder, take into consideration, have in view, look upon with respect, look upon with admiration, look one boldly in the face, meet his glance

adsternī, adsternor, adstrātus sumstretch one’s self, lie stretched

adtingere, adtingō, adtigī, adtāctumtouch, come in contact with, strike, attack, assault, taste, crop, come to a place, to approach, reach, arrive at, lie near, border upon, be contiguous to, affect, touch upon in speaking, mention, undertake, enter upon some course of action, apply one’s self to

ager restibilisfield that is sown annually, field that does not lie fallow

aliēnātus, aliēnāta, aliēnātumrenegade, beside himself, out of his mind

aliquem mendāciīs onerōlie to someone, lying to someone so much that the beams bend

āmēns dolōrebeside himself with pain

āmēns formīdinebeside himself with fear

āmēns, āmentisout of one’s senses, beside one’s self, senseless, mad, insane, frantic, distracted, foolish, stupid

āmentia, āmentiae fbeing out of one’s senses, beside one’s self, madness, insanity, folly, stupidity, malice, malignity

artō somnō dēvīnctus sumbe fast asleep, lie in sound sleep

artō somnō opprimorbe sound asleep, lie in sound sleep

aspicere, aspiciō, aspexī, aspectumlook to, look upon, behold, look at, see, look toward, lie toward, examine, reflect upon, consider, weigh, ponder, take into consideration, have in view, look upon with respect, look upon with admiration, look one boldly in the face, meet his glance

asternī, asternor, astrātus sumstretch one’s self, lie stretched

attingere, attingō, attigī, attāctumtouch, come in contact with, strike, attack, assault, taste, crop, come to a place, to approach, reach, arrive at, lie near, border upon, be contiguous to, affect, touch upon in speaking, mention

aucupāre, aucupō, aucupāvī, aucupātumgo bird-catching, to fowling, chase, give chase to, strive for, be on the look-out for, lie in wait for, watch for

aucupāri, aucupor, aucupātus sumgo bird-catching, to fowling, chase, give chase to, strive for, be on the look-out for, lie in wait for, watch for

bipartītō īnsidiās collocōlie in ambush in two sections

captāre, captō, captāvī, captātumlie in wait for, seek to entrap, seek to entice, seek to allure, practise legacy-hunting, hunt for legacies, take up, begin

cavē mihi mendācī quicquam dīcāsdon't lie to me!

cessāre, cessō, cessāvī, cessātumstand back very much, be remiss in any thing, delay, loiter, cease from, stop, give over, be inactive, be idle, be at leisure, do nothing, be at rest, rest, be still, be inactive, be unemployed, be unused, lie uncultivated, fallow

columbārium, columbāriī ndove-cot, pigeon-house, gain or mortise in which rafters or joists lie, hole near the axle of a water-wheel, opening in the side of a vessel for the oars to pass through, rowlock

concumbere, concumbō, concubuī, concubitumlie together, lie in numbers, lie with (for sexual intercourse)

coniacēre, coniaceōlie together

continēns sumbe moderate, lie together

correcumbere, correcumbōlie down together, lie down at the same time, lying down with any one

cubitāre, cubitō, cubitāvīlie down often, be accustomed to lie down

cubāre, cubō, cubuī, cubitumlie down, be in a recumbent posture, recline, lie asleep, sleep, recline at table, lie sick, be sick, lie, extends itself, be in a sloping direction, slope

cum catenīs sumwear shackles, lie in shackles, be in shackles, be shackled, be tied up

dēcubāre, dēcubōlie away from, lie out of

dēcumbere, dēcumbo, dēcubuīlie down, recline at table, lie ill, be confined by sickness, fall

dēlitēscere, dēlitēscō, dēlituīhide away, conceal one’s self, lie hid-lurk, skulk behind, shelter one’s self under

dēlitīscere, dēlitīscō, dēlituīhide away, conceal one’s self, lie hid-lurk, skulk behind, shelter one’s self under

quiēscere, quiēscō, quiēvī, quiētumrest, repose, keep quiet, keep calm, remain neutral, abstain from action, sleep, lie still, be still, be quiet, be silent, suffer quietly, allow quietly, peaceably permit, cease, leave off, desist from, cause to cease, render quiet, stop

sēcubāre, sēcubō, sēcubuīlie alone, sleep by one's self, sleep without a bedfellow, lie alone, sleep by one's self or without a bedfellow

sedēre, sedeō, sēdī, sessumsink, lie low, be in the valley, be in the plain

sordēscere, sordēscō, sorduībecome dirty, grow filthy, become wild, lie untilled, be mean, be vile

spectāre, spectō, spectāvī, spectātumlook at, behold, gaze at, watch, observe, see as a spectator, look on, face, lie, be situated, regard, consider

sub umbrā vescorlie in the shade while eating

subcubāre, subcubōlie under

subiacēre, subiaceō, subiacuīlie under any thing, lie near any thing, be under, subject to any thing, belong to, be connected with

subigitāre, subigitōlie with illicitly, work upon, incite to any thing

subsīdere, subsīdō, subsēdī (subsīdī), subsessumcrouch down on the watch, to lie in wait, lie in ambush, yield, submit to the male, subside, decrease, abate, lie in wait for, waylay, watch

subesse, subsum, subfuībe under, be among, be behind, be near, be close, be at hand, be near, approach, be underneath, be at the bottom, be under, exist under, lie concealed in

subteriacēre, subteriaceōlie under any thing

succubāre, succubōlie under

succumbere, succumbō, succubuī, succubitumlay under any thing, put one’s self under any thing, fall down, lie down, sink down, lie down to a man, cohabit with a man, yield, be overcome, submit, surrender, succumb

supercubāre, supercubō, supercubāvīlie upon, sleep upon

superiacēre, superiaceōlie over, lie upon

superincumbere, superincumbō, superincubuīlie over, lie above

supīnārī, supīnor, supīnātum sumlie along, lie extended

suppatēre, suppateōlie open beneath, spread out beneath, was spread over at the bottom

unā stōstand beside it

vānitātem ōrātiōnis adhibeōlie

vāstārī, vāstor, vāstātus sumlie waste, lie untilled

vēlīs rēmīsque cōnorput all levers in motion, make an effort with hands and feet, do everything, exert all your strength, pull out all the stops, lie down in the harness, pull out your arms and legs


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