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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 2 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
crūs, crūris nleg, shank, shin, foot, the lower part of the plant stem,

tībia, tībiae flarge shin-bone, tibia, shin-bone, shin, leg, pipe, flute

query 1/E (max. 1000): 15 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
armus ovīllusleg of mutton, mutton foreleg

bracchiolum, bracchiolī na small, delicate arm, muscle in a horse’s leg, arm of a chair

brāchiolum, brāchiolī na small, delicate arm, muscle in a horse’s leg, arm of a chair

calcar, calcāris na spur as worn on the heel, spur, stimulus, incitement, the spur on the leg of the cock

crūsculum, crūsculī nsmall leg, small shank

in ūrīnā crūs attollōlift the leg when peeing, lift the leg when urinating

spathula, spathulae fleg of pork, little palmbranch, small stirring spoon

spatula, spatulae fleg of pork, little palmbranch, small stirring spoon

succīdia, succīdiae fleg of meat cut off, side of meat cut off, leg of pork, flitch of bacon, slaughtering

sūcīdia, sūcīdiae fleg of meat cut off, side of meat cut off, leg of pork, flitch of bacon, slaughter

suffrāgō, suffrāginis fham, hough, hock of a quadruped’s hind leg, , shoot of a vine, spray of a vine

sūra, sūrae fcalf of the leg, smaller bone of the leg

tam facile hominēs occīdit quam canis adsīditkill people as easily as a dog can lift its leg


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