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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

query 1/E (max. 1000): 12 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
bibiō, bibiōnis mtippler, drunkard, small insect generated in wine

bibō, bibōnis mtippler, drunkard, small insect generated in wine

blatta, blattae finsect that shuns the light, cockroach, chafer, moth

cinifes, cinifum mkind of stinging insect

ciniphes, ciniphum mkind of stinging insect

cornū, cornūs nend of the stick around which books were rolled, side of a bow in the form of a horn, horn-shaped side of the cithara, summit of a mountain, wing of a place, feeler or claw of an insect, stiff hair of the Germans, bow, trumpet, lantern, oil cruet, funnel

sphondylē, sphondylēs finsect that lives in the ground, and gnaws the roots of trees

spondylē, spondylēs finsect that lives in the ground, and gnaws the roots of trees

tippula, tippulae finsect that runs swiftly over the water, water-spider, water-spinner

trīxallis, trīxallidis finsect resembling a grasshopper, cricket

trōxalis, trōxalidis finsect resembling a grasshopper, cricket

trōxallis, trōxallidis finsect resembling a grasshopper, cricket


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