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Suchergebnis zu
"idol worshipper":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

query 1/E (max. 1000): 11 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adōrātor, adōrātōris mone who adores, worshipper

caelicola, caelicolae m (coelicola, coelicolae m)dwelling in heaven, a deity, a god, worshipper of the heavens

chrōmatiārius, chrōmatiāriī msun worshipper, sun lover

coelicola, coelicolae mdwelling in heaven, deity, god, worshipper of the heavens

colitor, colitōris mone who bestows care upon a thing, elaborator, cultivator, tiller of land, husbandman, planter, inhabitant, dweller, fosterer, supporter, tutor, teacher, worshipper, reverencer, priest of some deity

cōnservātor, cōnservātōris mkeeper, preserver, defender, worshipper

cultor, cultōris man elaborator, cultivator, cultivator of land, tiller of land, husbandman, planter, countryman, inhabitant, dweller, fosterer, supporter, tutor, teacher, worshipper, reverencer, priest of some deity

cultrīx, cultrīcis fshe who cares for a thing, a female inhabitant, a female worshipper

daemonicola, daemonicolae cworshipper of devils, heathen

staticulum, staticulī nlittle statue, little image, statuette, idol

ūnicultor, ūnicultōris mworshipper of one God, monotheist


Wortform von: idol

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