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(14) "Regierungs%" zeigt alle Wörter, die mit "Regierungs" beginnen

longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

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Engl. Fund;

query 1/E (max. 1000): 18 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
ā cīvibus reclāmantibus macrocolla tollunturposters are held up by the protesting citizens

apud mīlitēs māgnā cāritāte sumare held in high esteem by the soldiers

campester, campestris, campestrepertaining to a level field, even, flat, level, champaign, relating to the Campus Martius, relating to the athletic exercises held in the Campus Martius, pertaining to the comitia held in the Campus Martius

campestris, campestrepertaining to a level field, even, flat, level, champaign, relating to the Campus Martius, relating to the athletic exercises held in the Campus Martius, pertaining to the comitia held in the Campus Martius

comitia fīunt rēgī creandōan assembly is held for the election of the king

comitia habenturelections are held, elections take place

compōnō inter sēheld against each other

cōnsortālis, cōnsortālepertaining to property held in common

cōnsulibus creandīs comitia habenturconsular elections are held

cūria, cūriae fa structure built for the religious services of a curia, One of the edifices in which the Senate held its consultations, the places of assembly of high councils out of Rome

sordēre, sordeō, sorduībe dirty, be filthy, be foul, be mean, be base, be low, be sordid, seem base, seem paltry, seem despised, seem slighted, held of no account, seem paltry, seem of small account

tempestātibus cohibentur in portibusthey are held in the ports by storms

tractātōrium, tractātōriī nplace where deliberations were held, place where causes tried, place of business, session-room

tubilūstrium, tubilūstriī nfestival held on the 23d of March and 23d of May, when the trumpets used at sacrifices were purified, the feast of trumpets

tubulūstrium, tubulūstriī nfestival held on the 23d of March and 23d of May, when the trumpets used at sacrifices were purified, the feast of trumpets

vinculum, per quod rēs pūblica cohaeretthe bond by which the state is held together

vir defūnctus honōribusman who has managed all the honorary posts, someone who has held all the honorary positions

vir honōribus ac reī pūblicae mūneribus perfūnctusman who has managed all the honorary posts, someone who has held all the honorary positions


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