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Suchergebnis zu
"heavy with child":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

In Wendungen bleiben als Einzelwörter unberücksichtigt: with -
query 1/E (max. 1000): 58 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
ablactātiō, ablactātiōnis fweaning of a child, weaning a child

ablactāre, ablactō, ablactāvī, ablactātumwean a child

accīdī, accīdor, accīsum sumsuffer heavy losses, be weakened, lose importance

acerbus, acerba, acerbumharsh to the taste, bitter, briny, sharp, sour, harsh, unripe, crude, not yet marriageable, premature, harsh, hoarse, rough, shrill, keen, rough, coarse, repulsive, morose, violent, hard, rigorous, severe, heavy, disagreeable, grievous, troublesome, sad, afflicting, painful

adnātus, adnātī mchild born after

adoptātīcius, adoptātīcia, adoptātīciumadopted, received in the place of a child

adoptātiō, adoptātiōnis fadopting, receiving as a child

adoptiō, adoptiōnis ftaking of one in the place of a child, receiving of one in the place of a child, adopting, adoption

adrogāre, adrogō, adrogāvī, adrogātumask of one, inquire of one, question, add one officer to another, associate with, place by the side of, take in the place of a child, adopt, appropriate, claim as one’s own, arrogate to one’s self, assume, adjudge something to another as his own, confer upon, procur

adulēscentula, adulēscentulae fvery young maiden, my child

aegrē spīritum dūcōbreathe heavily, have heavy breath

affīliātiō, affīliātiōnis fchild adoption, adoption, grafting, insertion

aggravēscere, aggravēscōbecome heavy, become violent, become severe, become dangerous, grow worse, be aggravated

agnātus, agnātī m (επίγονος)child born after

aliquem cūrā et sollicitūdine afficiōmake someone's heart heavy

aliquem sollicitum habeōcause someone constant grief, make someone's heart heavy

aliquid mē sollicitatmy heart grows heavy, something worries me

aliquid mē sollicitum habetmy heart grows heavy, something worries me

alumnus fortūnaechild of fortune

alumnus legiōnumbrought up in the camp, child of the camp

alvus astrictaconstipation, heavy stools

alvus compressaconstipation, hard bowel movements, heavy stool

angor dē aliquā rēmy heart grows heavy, I feel heavy at heart

anhēlus cursusbreath heavy run, a run causing to pant

arrogātiō, arrogātiōnis ffull adoption, in the comitia curiata, adoption of a homo sui iuris in the place of a child

arrogātor, arrogātōris mhe that adopts one in the place of a child

arrogāre, arrogō (adrogō), arrogāvī, arrogātumask of one, inquire of one, question, add one officer to another, associate with, place by the side of, take in the place of a child, adopt, appropriate, claim as one’s own, arrogate to one’s self, assume, adjudge something to another as his own, confer upon

aulaeum, aulaeī na splendidly wrought or embroidered stuff, tapestry, arras, covering, curtain, hangings, canopy, curtain of a theatre, covering for beds and sofas, tapestry, drapery of a heavy upper garment

aulaeum, aulaeī na splendidly wrought or embroidered stuff, tapestry, arras, covering, curtain, hangings, canopy, curtain of a theatre, covering for beds and sofas, tapestry, drapery of a heavy upper garment

bāiolāre, bāiolōcarry a burden, bear something heavy

bāiulāre, bāiulō (bāiolō) (= ἀχθοφορῶ)carry a burden, bear something heavy

bellum graveheavy war

bellum māgnumheavy war, serious war

bidēns, bidentis m (δίκελλα)heavy hoe or mattock with two crooked iron teeth

brūtus, brūta, brūtumheavy, unwieldy, immovable, dull, stupid, insensible, unreasonable, irrational, dumb, striking blindly, thoughtless, inconsiderate

caros, carī mheavy sleep, torpor, sleep of death

cōnfoederātiō ab īnfantibus puerīsque prōtegendīsChild Protection Association

cōnīvēre, cōnīveō (connīveō), cōnīvī (cōnīxī)close, shut, close the eyes, shut the eyes, blink, half close the eyes, when heavy with sleep, be darkened, be obscured, be eclipsed, be dull, be drowsy, be languid, leave an error unnoticed, leave a crime uncensured, overlook, connive at, wink at

cōnnīvēre, cōnnīveō, cōnnīvī (cōnnīxī)close, shut, close the eyes, shut the eyes, blink, half close the eyes, when heavy with sleep, be darkened, be obscured, be eclipsed, be dull, be drowsy, be languid, leave an error unnoticed, leave a crime uncensured, overlook, connive at, wink at

cōnsobrīna, cōnsobrīnae fchild of a mother’s sister, child of brother or sister, a relation, a cousin (in any degree)

cōnsobrīnus, cōnsobrīnī mchild of a mother’s sister, child of brother or sister, a relation, a cousin (in any degree)

cōnsubrīnus, cōnsubrīnī mchild of a mother’s sister, child of brother or sister, a relation, a cousin (in any degree)

cōsobrīnus, cōsobrīnī mchild of a mother’s sister, child of brother or sister, a relation, a cousin (in any degree)

crassus, crassa, crassumsolid, thick, dense, fat, gross, greatly, swollen, heavy, stupid, dull, stolid, uncultivated, clumsy

cuī dolet, meminitburnt child shies away from fire, burned child dreads fire

cum uxōribus et līberīswith wife and child

dēlectāmenta puerōrumchild antics

dicam alicuī impingōbring a heavy action against one

sēmen, sēminis nseed, shoot used for propagating, graft, scion, set, slip, cutting, stock, race, posterity, progeny, offspring, child, origin, occasion, ground, cause

sōligena, sōligenae mchild of the Sun

sopōrus, sopōra, sopōrumsleep-bringing, causing sleep, heavy with sleep, drowsy, dozy

spurius, spuriī millegitimate child, spurious child, bastard

suggrundārium, suggrundāriī ngrave of a child less than forty days old

tardus, tarda, tardumslow, not swift, sluggish, tardy, slow of apprehension, dull, heavy, stupid

uter, uterī mwomb, matrix, fruit of the womb, fetus, child, young, belly, earth cavity, paunch

uterus, uterī mwomb, matrix, fruit of the womb, fetus, child, young, belly, earth cavity, paunch

violentō spīritūs āctūwith heavy panting

vīscera, vīscerum ninner parts of the body, internal organs, the inwards, viscera, uterus, testicles, flesh, fruit of the womb, offspring, child, bowels, interior part, inward or inmost part, means, property, favorite


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