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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 5 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
caeles, caelitis m (coeles, coelitis m)god, dweller in Heaven

coeles, coelitis mgod, dweller in Heaven

coelicola, coelicolae mdwelling in heaven, deity, god, worshipper of the heavens

creātor, creātōris mcreator, author, begetter, founder, creator of the world, God, one who elects or appoints to an office

deus, deī m (Nom. Pl. dei, dii, di; Dat. Pl. deis, diis, dis) (θεός, ζεύς)god, deity

query 1/E (max. 1000): 74 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
ā deō ad māteriās āvocōdivert from God to the material

aesar, aesaris mname of God among the Etruscans, river in Lower Italy

aliquis deusany god, some god

allelūiāticus, allelūiātica, allelūiāticumpraising God

amor, amōris mlove, the beloved object itself, the god of love, Love, Cupid, strong and passionate longing for something, desire, lust, love-charm, philtre

anthrōpiānī, ōrum mAnthropomorphites, Anthropians, heretics that attributed to God a human form

anthrōpomorphītae, anthrōpomorphītārum mAnthropomorphites, Anthropians, heretics that attributed to God a human form

arcessītio, arcessītiōnis fcalling, summon, taking home to God

Arculus, Arculī mthe god of chests and coffers

atheos, atheī mhe that does not believe in God, atheist

atheus, atheī m (atheos, atheī m)he that does not believe in God, atheist

avē!farewell!, greetings!, Hail!, God bless thee, adieu

āvertat Deus!God forbid!, oh dear, oh my, oh woe!

bellipotēns, bellipotentis mGod of War (Mars)

bonā salūtewhat God forbid!, which may God prevent!

caelicola, caelicolae m (coelicola, coelicolae m)dwelling in heaven, a deity, a god, worshipper of the heavens

castum, castī nfestival, period of time consecrated to a god, holy festival time

cōgitātiōne nōn sēnsū speciēs deī percipiturmentally not sensually one grasps the idea of God, the idea of God is grasped mentally, not sensually

cultus deōrumgod worship, worship, religion

cum dīs volentibuswith God’s help, by the will of the god

deī contemptordespiser of God

deī nōtitiam habeōhave an idea of God, have a concept of God

deicīda, deicīdae mdeicide, killer of a god

deifer, deifera, deiferumbearing a god in one’s self

deiferus, deifera, deiferumbearing a god in one’s self

deificāre, deificōmake one a god, deify

deificus, deifica, deificumwho makes one a god, who deifies, consecrated, sacred

deō precēs adhibeōpray to God

deō supplicōpray to God

deum agnōscis ex operibus eiusyou know God by his work

deum esse crēdimusbelieve in God, believe in the existence of God

deum invocōpray to God

deum precorpray to God

deum sēde sacrōmake a god holy by a temple

deum sēde sacrōto dedicate a temple to a god

deum spīrōbreathe divine being, feel like god, play god

deum summā religiōne colōhonor God with the greatest devotion

deus aequoreusgod of the sea

deus ālipēsGod with the winged shoes

deus aliquid adprobat et fortunat fortūnatGod gives blessings and prosperity to something

deus bellātorwar god

deus est mundī aedificātorGod is the creator of the world

deus est mundī fabricātorGod is the creator of the world

deus est mundī prōcreātorGod is the creator of the world

deus mundum aedificāvitGod created the world

deus mundum fabricātus estGod created the world

deus mundum prōcreāvitGod created the world

deus nullīus exemplī capit comparātiōnemGod allows no comparison with any example, God cannot be compared to any example

deus optimus māximusthe highest and best god

deus praesēnshelpful god

deus summusthe highest god

deus suprēmusthe supreme god

dī tē amābuntGod bless you!

dī tē amentGod bless you!

dī meliusGod forbid!, heaven forbid!

Dīs, Dītis mthe god of the infernal regions

Dītis, Dītis mthe god of the infernal regions

in Deō āmēnin the God of faithfulness

nec quid nec quārēGod knows how and why

quod abōminorwhich may God avert

supplicāre, supplicō, supplicāvī, supplicātumkneel down, humble one’s self, pray humbly, beg humbly, to beseech, implore, supplicate, pray to a god, supplicate as a god, pray, worship

theotocos, theotocī fgodbearing, mother of God, god-bearer

timōrātus, timōrāta, timōrātumfull of reverence towards God, devout

Tonāns, Tonantis mthunderer, god of thunder

ūnicultor, ūnicultōris mworshipper of one God, monotheist

utinam ita velint superī!God grant it!, God give it!, May God give it!

ventricola, ventricolae mone who makes a god of his belly, a belly-god, glutton

ventricultor, ventricultōris mone who makes a god of his belly, a belly-god, glutton

Vertumnus, Vertumnī mgod of the changing year, god of the seasons and their productions


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