Suchergebnis zu "god":1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:Engl. Fund;
VolltrefferE (max. 100): 5 Ergebnis(se) Hauptquelle: Lewis and Shortcaeles, caelitis m (coeles, coelitis m) | god, dweller in Heaven |
| coeles, coelitis m | god, dweller in Heaven |
| coelicola, coelicolae m | dwelling in heaven, deity, god, worshipper of the heavens |
| creātor, creātōris m | creator, author, begetter, founder, creator of the world, God, one who elects or appoints to an office |
| deus, deī m (Nom. Pl. dei, dii, di; Dat. Pl. deis, diis, dis) (θεός, ζεύς) | god, deity |
| query 1/E (max. 1000): 74 Ergebnis(se) Hauptquelle: Lewis and Shortā deō ad māteriās āvocō | divert from God to the material |
| aesar, aesaris m | name of God among the Etruscans, river in Lower Italy |
| aliquis deus | any god, some god |
| allelūiāticus, allelūiātica, allelūiāticum | praising God |
| amor, amōris m | love, the beloved object itself, the god of love, Love, Cupid, strong and passionate longing for something, desire, lust, love-charm, philtre |
| anthrōpiānī, ōrum m | Anthropomorphites, Anthropians, heretics that attributed to God a human form |
| anthrōpomorphītae, anthrōpomorphītārum m | Anthropomorphites, Anthropians, heretics that attributed to God a human form |
| arcessītio, arcessītiōnis f | calling, summon, taking home to God |
| Arculus, Arculī m | the god of chests and coffers |
| atheos, atheī m | he that does not believe in God, atheist |
| atheus, atheī m (atheos, atheī m) | he that does not believe in God, atheist |
| avē! | farewell!, greetings!, Hail!, God bless thee, adieu |
| āvertat Deus! | God forbid!, oh dear, oh my, oh woe! |
| bellipotēns, bellipotentis m | God of War (Mars) |
| bonā salūte | what God forbid!, which may God prevent! |
| caelicola, caelicolae m (coelicola, coelicolae m) | dwelling in heaven, a deity, a god, worshipper of the heavens |
| castum, castī n | festival, period of time consecrated to a god, holy festival time |
| cōgitātiōne nōn sēnsū speciēs deī percipitur | mentally not sensually one grasps the idea of God, the idea of God is grasped mentally, not sensually |
| cultus deōrum | god worship, worship, religion |
| cum dīs volentibus | with God’s help, by the will of the god |
| deī contemptor | despiser of God |
| deī nōtitiam habeō | have an idea of God, have a concept of God |
| deicīda, deicīdae m | deicide, killer of a god |
| deifer, deifera, deiferum | bearing a god in one’s self |
| deiferus, deifera, deiferum | bearing a god in one’s self |
| deificāre, deificō | make one a god, deify |
| deificus, deifica, deificum | who makes one a god, who deifies, consecrated, sacred |
| deō precēs adhibeō | pray to God |
| deō supplicō | pray to God |
| deum agnōscis ex operibus eius | you know God by his work |
| deum esse crēdimus | believe in God, believe in the existence of God |
| deum invocō | pray to God |
| deum precor | pray to God |
| deum sēde sacrō | make a god holy by a temple |
| deum sēde sacrō | to dedicate a temple to a god |
| deum spīrō | breathe divine being, feel like god, play god |
| deum summā religiōne colō | honor God with the greatest devotion |
| deus aequoreus | god of the sea |
| deus ālipēs | God with the winged shoes |
| deus aliquid adprobat et fortunat fortūnat | God gives blessings and prosperity to something |
| deus bellātor | war god |
| deus est mundī aedificātor | God is the creator of the world |
| deus est mundī fabricātor | God is the creator of the world |
| deus est mundī prōcreātor | God is the creator of the world |
| deus mundum aedificāvit | God created the world |
| deus mundum fabricātus est | God created the world |
| deus mundum prōcreāvit | God created the world |
| deus nullīus exemplī capit comparātiōnem | God allows no comparison with any example, God cannot be compared to any example |
| deus optimus māximus | the highest and best god |
| deus praesēns | helpful god |
| deus summus | the highest god |
| deus suprēmus | the supreme god |
| dī tē amābunt | God bless you! |
| dī tē ament | God bless you! |
| dī melius | God forbid!, heaven forbid! |
| Dīs, Dītis m | the god of the infernal regions |
| Dītis, Dītis m | the god of the infernal regions |
| in Deō āmēn | in the God of faithfulness |
| nec quid nec quārē | God knows how and why |
| quod abōminor | which may God avert |
| supplicāre, supplicō, supplicāvī, supplicātum | kneel down, humble one’s self, pray humbly, beg humbly, to beseech, implore, supplicate, pray to a god, supplicate as a god, pray, worship |
| theotocos, theotocī f | godbearing, mother of God, god-bearer |
| timōrātus, timōrāta, timōrātum | full of reverence towards God, devout |
| Tonāns, Tonantis m | thunderer, god of thunder |
| ūnicultor, ūnicultōris m | worshipper of one God, monotheist |
| utinam ita velint superī! | God grant it!, God give it!, May God give it! |
| ventricola, ventricolae m | one who makes a god of his belly, a belly-god, glutton |
| ventricultor, ventricultōris m | one who makes a god of his belly, a belly-god, glutton |
| Vertumnus, Vertumnī m | god of the changing year, god of the seasons and their productions |
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