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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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longae: ā ē ī ō ū ӯ Ā Ē Ī Ō Ū - breves: ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ Ă Ĕ Ĭ Ŏ Ŭ - ancipitia: ā̆ ē̆ ī̆ ō̆ ū̆ ȳ̆

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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 18 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
āter, ātra, ātrum (cf. αἴθω)black, coalblack, lustreless-black, sable, dark, stormy (mare), clothed in black, gloomy, sad, dismal, unfortunate, unlucky (dies), malevolent, malicious, virulent, obscure

atrox, atrōcisdark, gloomy, frowning, horrible, hideous, frightful, dreadful, savage, cruel, fierce, atrocious, harsh, severe, unyielding, violent, bitter

austērus, austēra, austērum (αὐστηρός)harsh, sour, tart, pungent, deep, dark, severe, rigid, strict, stern, austere, grave, serious, gloomy, sad, troublesome, hard, irksome

caecus, caeca, caecumhaving no light, devoid of light, not seeing, blind, mentally blind, morally blind, blinded, without buds, without eyes, that cannot be seen, invisible, concealed, hidden, secret, obscure, dark, gloomy, thick, dense, uncertain, doubtful

caeruleus, caerulea, caeruleum (κυάνεος)dark-colored, dark blue, dark green, cerulean, azure, dark, gloomy, dun, sable, black, green, greenish

caerulus, caerula, caerulumdark-colored, dark blue, dark green, cerulean, azure, dark, gloomy, dun, sable, black, green, greenish

cālīgineus, cālīginea, cālīgineumdark, gloomy

cālīginōsus, cālīginōsa, cālīginōsumfull of mist, covered with mist, dark, obscure, gloomy, dark, uncertain, obscure

cālīgōsus, cālīgōsa, cālīgōsumfull of mist, covered with mist, dark, obscure, gloomy, dark, uncertain, obscure

coeruleus, coerulea, coeruleumdark-colored, dark blue, dark green, cerulean, azure, dark, gloomy, dun, sable, black, green, greenish

coerulus, coerula, coerulumdark-colored, dark blue, dark green, cerulean, azure, dark, gloomy, dun, sable, black, green, greenish

squālidus, squālida, squālidumiff, rough, dirty, foul, filthy, neglected, squalid, uncultivated, gloomy, obscure, rude, unadorned, wretched, incurable

tenebricōsus, tenebricōsa, tenebricōsumfull of darkness, full of gloom, shrouded in darkness, dark, gloomy

tenebricus, tenebrica, tenebricumdark, gloomy, black

tenebrōsus, tenebrōsa, tenebrōsumdark, gloomy

tētricus, tētrica, tētricumforbidding, harsh, crabbed, gloomy, sour, stern, severe, fierce, warlike

torvus, torva, torvumstaring, keen, piercing, wild, stern, wild, fierce, grim, gloomy, savage

trīstis, trīstesad, sorrowful, mournful, dejected, melancholy, disconsolate, unhappy, miserable, harsh, disagreeable, bitter, offensive, foul, glum, gloomy, peevish, morose, ill-humored, stern, harsh, severe

query 1/E (max. 1000): 23 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
cālīgināre, cālīginōemit vapor, emit steam, steam, reek, be involved in darkness, be dark, be gloomy, be mentally blind, be surrounded by darkness, grope about, suffer from weakness, be weak, be dim-sighted

cālīgāre, cālīgō, cālīgāvī, cālīgātumemit vapor, emit steam, steam, reek, be involved in darkness, be dark, be gloomy, be mentally blind, be surrounded by darkness, grope about, suffer from weakness, be weak, be dim-sighted

callīgāre, callīgō, callīgāvī, callīgātumemit vapor, emit steam, steam, reek, be involved in darkness, be dark, be gloomy, be mentally blind, be surrounded by darkness, grope about, suffer from weakness, be weak, be dim-sighted

contrīstō, contrīstāvī, contrīstātum, contrīstāremake sad, make sorrowful, sadden, afflict, make dark, render gloomy, cloud, dim, darken, sadden, injure, hurt, damage

subnūbilus, subnūbila, subnūbilumsomewhat cloudy, somewhat overcast, rather gloomy


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