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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 10 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
celeber, celebris, celebrenumerous, much frequented, much resorted to, populous, abounding in, rich in, celebrated, honored by a great assembly, renowned, distinguished, celebrated, famous, solemn, festive, often repeated, frequent

celebrātus, celebrāta, celebrātumfrequented, much visited, customary, usual, frequent, solemn, festive, brilliant, known, celebrated, famous

celebris, celebrenumerous, much frequented, much resorted to, populous, abounding in, rich in, celebrated, honored by a great assembly, renowned, distinguished, celebrated, famous, solemn, festive, often repeated, frequent

celebrāre, celebrō, celebrāvī, celebrātumgo somewhere in great numbers, frequent, fill, practise frequently, engage in, repeat, fill up with something, go in great numbers to a celebration, celebrate, solemnize, keep a festival, honor, praise, celebrate in song, make something known, publish abroad, proclaim

circitāre, circitōfrequent, make busy, wander everywhere

colere, colō, coluī, cultumcultivate, till, tend, take care of a field, work in a garden, abide, dwell, stay in a place, inhabit, bestow upon a thing, care upon a thing, care for, frequent, cherish, protect, be the guardian of

concelebrāre, concelebrō, concelebrāvī, concelebrātumresort to in multitudes, resort to frequently, frequent, pursue vigorously, prosecute vigorously, fill, animate, enliven, cause to abound, celebrate a solemnity in great numbers, celebrate, solemnize, honor, praise, extol, publish abroad, make known

concursāre, concursō, concursāvī, concursātumcome violently together, rush together, clash, go to and fro, run about, rush hither and thither, travel about, skirmish, rove somewhere, ramble somewhere, visit a place, frequent

crēber, crēbra, crēbrumthat exists or takes place in a continuous multitude, following closely together, following closely one after another, thick, close, pressed together, frequent, numerous, repeated, crowded with, abundant, abounding in

dēnsus, dēnsa, dēnsumthick, dense, close, compact, thickly set with, thickly covered with, full of, set close, frequent, continuous, strong, powerful, deep, profound, condensed, concise, coarse

query 1/E (max. 1000): 19 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
adsiduitās, adsiduitātis fconstant presence with any one, constant attendance, constant presence, continuance, duration, constancy of any thing, frequent occurrence of, frequent repetition of

assiduitās, assiduiātis (adsiduitās, adsiduitātis f)constant presence with any one, constant attendance, constant presence, continuance, duration, constancy of any thing, frequent occurrence of, frequent repetition of

commeāre, commeō, commeāvī, commeātumgo and come, pass to and fro, pass to and fro, go, come, travel somewhere repeatedly, travel somewhere frequently, visit a place often, visit a place to frequent

committit saepe repellīhe lets it come to frequent rejection

concrēbrēscere, concrēbrēscō, concrēbruībecome frequent, increase, gather strength

conversātiō, conversātiōnis ffrequent use, frequent abode in a place, intercourse, conversation

crēbēscere, crēbēscō, crēbuī (crēbruī)become frequent, increase, grow strong, spread abroad

crēbrēscere, crēbrēscō, crēbruī (crēbuī)become frequent, increase, grow strong, spread abroad

deōs deāsque veneror, quī hanc urbem coluntworship the gods and goddesses who frequent this city


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