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Wörterbuch Latein <-> Deutsch (Englisch)
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Suchergebnis zu
"follower phil":

1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

query 1/E (max. 1000): 22 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
admīrātor, admīrātōris madmirer, , follower, fan

adsecla, adsecula mfollower, attendant, servant, sycophant

adsectātor, adsectātōris mhe that is in attendance upon any one (as friend, servant, client), follower, attendant, disciple

alicuius studiōsus sumbe someone's follower

assecla, asseclae m (assecula, asseculae m) (adsecla, adsecula)follower, attendant, servant, sycophant

assectātor, assectātōris m (adsectātor)he that is in attendance upon any one (as friend, servant, client), follower, attendant, disciple

assecula, asseculae mfollower, attendant, servant, sycophant

cliēns, clientis m (cluēns) (cluo, κλύω)one who hears, client, retainer, follower, adherent, companion, favorite

cluēns, cluentis mone who hears, client, retainer, follower, adherent, companion, favorite

cōnsectāneus, cōnsectāneī man adherent, follower

cōnsectātor, cōnsectātōris man eager follower

Damasippus, Damasippī mfollower of Marius, put to death by order of Sylla

haereticus, haereticī mheretic, apostate, deviant, apostate, deviationist, dissident, misbeliever, renegade, sectarian, follower of a sect

sectātor, sectātōris mfollower, attendant, adherent

sectātrīx, sectātrīcis ffollower, successor

secūtor, secūtōris mone that follows another, follower, attendant, pursuer

secūtor, secūtōris mone that follows another, follower, attendant, pursuer

secūtor, secūtōris mone that follows another, follower, attendant, pursuer

sequāx, sequācisan attendant, follower

sequāx, sequācis man attendant, follower

sequēla, sequēlae fthat which follows, follower result, consequence, sequel

successor, successōris mfollower, successor, inheritor


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