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1. Wörterbuch und Phrasen:

Engl. Fund;

VolltrefferE (max. 100): 7 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
certus, certa, certumdetermined, resolved, fixed, settled, purposed, fixed, established, settled, fixed, particular, specified, sure, unerring, to be depended upon, true, faithful, certain, proved

cōnstāns, cōnstantisstanding firm, firm, unchangeable, constant, immovable, uniform, fixed, stable, invariable, agreeing with itself, accordant with itself, consistent, harmonious, intellectually certain, morally certain, sure, steadfast, faithful, steady, unchanging

dēstinātus, dēstināta, dēstinātumdestined, fixed

obstinātus, obstināta, obstinātumfirmly set, fixed, resolved, determined, resolute, steadfast, inflexible, stubborn, obstinate

statiōnālis, statiōnālestanding still, stationary, fixed

statiōnārius, statiōnāria, statiōnāriumstanding still, stationary, fixed

status, stata, statum (sisto)appointed, fixed, regular, moderate, average, normal

query 1/E (max. 1000): 28 Ergebnis(se)
Hauptquelle: Lewis and Short
ā certā ratiōne proficīscorassume a fixed principle, start from a firm principle

abnormis, abnormedeviating from a fixed rule, departing from a fixed rule, irregular, abnormal

aciēs, aciēī fsharp edge, sharp point, keenness of look, keenness of glance, sharpness of vision, sharpness of sight, pupil of the eye, eye, looking at an object with fixed attention, look, aim

ad +, toward, even to, near to, by, at, close by, almost, about, unto, according to, in consequence of, for, in order to, at a definite, at a fixed time, at a appropriate time, according to circumstances, on the spot

affectiō, affectiōnis frelation to, disposition toward, state of mind, frame of mind, feeling, state of feeling, fixed constitution, permanent constitution, love, affection, good-will, the loved object, children, ability of willing, will, volition, inclination

affīrmāre, affīrmō (adfīrmō), affīrmāvī, affīrmātumpresent a thing as fixed, present as firm, present as certain, present as true, assert, maintain, aver, declare, asseverate, affirm

affīxae caelō stellaefixed stars

antefīxus, antefīxa, antefīxumfixed before, fastened before, nailed to

cacosystatus, cacosystata, cacosystatumnot properly fixed

certa vīvendī disciplīnafixed life order

pretium māgnumfixed price

circumcelliō, circumcelliōnis mwandering monk, class of monks, who, without fixed abode, wandered about from cell to cell, a class of heretics

cōnferre, cōnferō, contulī, collātumrefer something to, ascribe something to, attribute, impute, assign, ascribe to one, lay to the charge of, transfer to a fixed point of time, fix, assign, refer, appoint, put off, defer, postpone, bring on, cause, occasion, induce

cōnstāre, cōnstat, cōnstitititit is my fixed determination, I am determined, I am fully resolved

sedēre, sedeō, sēdī, sessumsit, sit close, sit tight, hold fast, hang fast, be fast, be firm, be fixed, be immovable, be settled, be established

sīdera certīs locīs īnfīxafixed stars

sīdere, sīdō, sēdī (sīdī), sessumseat one’s self, sit down, settle, alight, sit fast, be set fast, remain sitting, remain lying, remain fixed, sink down, sink out of sight

sīdus īnfīxumfixed star

stāre, stō, stetī, statum (stātūrus)stand still, remain standing, stand upright, stand firm, stand immovable, last, remain, continue, stuck fast, remaine fixed, tarry, linger, hold out, stand one’s ground, stand firm, stand unshaken, endure, persevere, persist, abide

vadimōnium, vadimōniī npromise secured by bail for appearance on a particular day before a tribunal, bail, security, recognizance, appointment, fixed time

vīsus attentusfixed gaze


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